15.5 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
This is truly heartbreaking. 'When we needed a strong politician at a time of crisis we got a charlatan, a liar and a narcissist.' Unless we can all learn to empathise we have no chance. Everyone needs to understand what is happening to them. Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A...
No need to waste time from this point. Just post this article underneath and leave them to it. We only get one stab at life in the whole of eternity so wasting it trying to persuade a wall to change shape is an absolute waste. If they seek evidence then a...
Thanks Dominic. Millions have been saying this for well over a year. Was anyone listening to the public? No. Will they listen now? Depends on how democratic and accountable the country is. When we have kicked out Boris Johnson... there is a much bigger challenge: https://dorseteye.com/the-political-system-is-more-corrupt-than-he-is/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST...
Corruption at the heart of government

Corruption kills

“It is not the salary..that makes a man rich, but the opportunities of getting money whilst he is in place” was the view in government three hundred years ago. Regrettably this attitude seems to have returned. In the seventeenth and eighteenth century it was corruption by naval suppliers providing rotten...
Things that must happen urgently: *Stop all arms sales to and funding of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and the far-right Netanyahu. Then place sanctions on Israel. Then implement the International rule of law to end the illegal occupations. Then OFFICIALLY recognise the State of Palestine. Then using our hard...


Virus I’d like to talk about viruses. “Why viruses?” you ask. Why not? They’re ‘of the moment’, surely? “I suppose they are.” Viruses – such monstrous and wonderful things! “I agree with the first adjective, at least.” Well, who wouldn’t? But they’re wonderful, too: complex, sophisticated, adaptable, ingenious... “Ingenious at killing us.” Yes, there is that. Communicability You like lists,...
I notice that one of the ways to criticise people who agree with me on twitter is to call them a 'mob' or a 'cult' and that if I tweet something and people agree with me, that's because I've caused a 'pile-on', got my followers to...etc etc. It's an...
Harry Cole is to journalism what slippery floors are to health and safety and this man nails him. Some enlightenment: https://dorseteye.com/some-facts-about-gypsies-and-travellers/ Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
George Monbiot
When we get ripped off by con artists, in most cases we no longer have any recourse. It’s the result of disastrous political choices. It was a classic insulation scam. The conman had targeted a vulnerable elderly person, discovered a nonexistent damp problem in the loft, and claimed his product...
No one should be surprised that Britain’s rightwing prime minister, Boris Johnson, has had barely anything to say about Israel’s pummelling of Gaza, with nearly 200 Palestinians reported to have been killed by airstrikes and many hundreds more seriously wounded. Nor should we be surprised that Johnson has had nothing to say...