13 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
This letter is a tip of the iceberg but is a notice to the population of what many are voting for and are complicit in. Even Robert Peston has come to the party and is noticing some very strange goings on from Tory Central: https://twitter.com/Peston/status/1387319468515373058?s=20 Surely this mum sums it up and...
In one from Jonathan. Cash for Cushions and everything else that is corrupt in the good old UK is coming home to roost until our attention is diverted yet again. Check out many other perceptive contributions from Jonathan across the site. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
There have been a great many who have said what this vicar from Hartlepool has stated https://dorseteye.com/by-any-recognisable-standard-keir-starmer-you-are-right-wing/ but somehow when a member of a faith (who appears to have no agenda other than to protect her parishioners) speaks out then the resonance strikes much deeper. https://twitter.com/AaronBastani/status/1387359161302798336?s=20 Keir Starmer has to go...
If you bully, harass and are racist to your own members to the point they leave in their droves, if you break your own rules, break the law, act internally in fascistic, completely anti-democratic ways, if you shut down debate, suspend those wanting votes of no confidence, suspend members...
It is Sunday morning... there is a major political scandal brewing; the PM has tried to blame an ex-adviser for leaks about the criminal activities of the government, and the ex-adviser has called the PM a liar. Politics in the UK has just gone critical, and neither side is...
His political inexperience shows through repeatedly, he is little more than a jumped-up journalist. His lack of any real political  background has encouraged and enabled  the current climate of corruption and sleaze to proliferate through the Covid PPE and Test and Trace debacles. The Old School Tie is strangling the...
There are a whole range of reasons why people vote Conservative but being enlightened and compassionate are not two of them. When one hears lie after lie and corruption scandal after corruption scandal and still considers it is a good idea to vote Conservative it is a psychiatrist that should...
Brilliant satire of a very serious issue. Keir Starmer being fisted by the Board of Deputies and all that other stuff. Jeremy Corbyn was falsely blamed for everything and yet Keir Starmer and his centrists are up to their neck in the real stuff. Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer...
The former veterans’ minister Johnny Mercer has launched an extraordinary attack on Boris Johnson’s government, describing it as a “cesspit” and “the most distrustful, awful environment I’ve ever worked in”. Whether you agree with him on the prosecution of service veterans or Afghanistan... this is an incredible insight in to...
Responding to the government’s announcement of a new Central Bank Digital Currency Taskforce this morning, Simon Youel, head of policy and advocacy at Positive Money said: “With the decline of cash and rise of private digital currencies like Facebook’s Diem, the future of money risks being surrendered to unaccountable global finance and...