11.3 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Don't get yourself banned from social media but feel free to express yourself. The use of the * may actually reach burn out. Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Before anyone says anything, I am aware that this article may well be written this way for political reasons here in Wales (the advert at the top of the article alone...).... BUT it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL ahead of the Welsh Senedd elections that Welsh Labour does distance themselves from...
For those who prefer the real history of England and not the one made up for the deferential and conformists. If you prefer being lied to move along. And surprise, surprise we now find out that the government re wrote it: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/apr/11/downing-street-rewrote-independent-report-on-race-experts-claim Ash refers to 'Cancel Culture'. Guess who made that up? https://dorseteye.com/owen-jones-meets-stewart-lee/ Penny...
I found this uncomfortable and funny at the same time. However, should those who perceive themselves as of the left and decent apply this kind of humour? Is it because Margaret Thatcher epitomises the destruction of progressive human values in the 1980's and the monsters that have followed her malevolent...
The inconsistency and the hypocrisy amongst right wing voters... is at once excruciating and bewildering. On the one hand they appear to want to be caring for those who live (or were born) within the state and then find any excuse not to be. What is even more distressing for...
A year in, the British Labour leader is giving the Tories an easy ride while investing his energy in an all-out war on the party’s left. The completion of Keir Starmer’s first year as Labour leader might have passed without note, had it not been the occasion for senior party...
"But most people on that commission are people of colour." "Of course, they're hand picked to follow a narrative, you have to bear in mind that when this commission begun, the framework was set in stone. The Prime Minister said 'we need to change the narrative. We need to stop...
"I've quite enjoyed being slutty and I'm quite worried about having to look all right. I look like a bag lady when I go out." - Sheila Hancock is getting ready to come out of lockdown. And she is far from happy at how this government... have handled the last...
I hope we never hear any bollocks from the Tory Party about morality... and the sanctity of the marriage. Boris was fornicating with his tart in the family home - I'm sure they had a good giggle about it, and Boris told his tart all sorts of nasty things...
In times gone by Boris Johnson would have been long gone. His behaviour has often boarded upon criminal and in some cases insane. Yet he has managed to survive because those who sought to blame the EU for every historical event that did not go the way of every...