15.5 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
I realised today just how much Keir Starmer is directly affecting my mental, emotional and physical health. Because of his lies, his racism, his bullying, his hypocrisy, his authoritarianism and his fascistic behaviour (specific to internal Party matters). All in plain sight. Almost all, generally, unreported. His mass betrayal...
Dear Dorset Echo Team I would like to express my disappointment and disgust at the use of the photographic image associated with the above article published on the Echo website, 11th January.  The method used to conceal the faces of the visitors stopped by the police presents a strong association that...
This woman speaks for the millions still being screwed by Thatcher's toxicity
Update: You spoke for the majority Cathy! RIP xx Glasgow and Scotland have just lost a legend RIP Cathy Rutherford, condolences to her family. https://t.co/s0pSmjNVdy— Gazberto (@gazberto) July 26, 2024 This anger is a reflection of when an autocratic dogmatic nihilist is given power and the public are allowed to publicy...
'Personally I like Trump where I can see him. Not on a Quanon right wing platform where most of us would not be seen dead.' Jonathan Pie explains that Nazis hiding in the dark are much more dangerous than in the light. This lot will now all congregate on a...
People like Toby Young are so desperate to open their mouths they appear to not really care what comes out. Given their track record only absolute morons would give him the time of day. To say this and publish it should lead to his social media accounts being frozen...
There was a fascinating online panel discussion on Wednesday night on the Julian Assange case that I recommend everyone watch. The video is at the bottom of the page. But from all the outstanding contributions, I want to highlight a very important point made by Yanis Varoufakis that has significance...
Reporter: “Is there anything that Labour thinks SHOULD be in these measures that isn’t there? Is there a notable absence in your view?” Keir Starmer: “Not an absence (!) I think the most important thing is the messaging about stay at home and going back to the spirit of...
This is down to Trump sycophants - GOP Senators who supported and promoted Trump's lies and directly incited violence. This is down to right wing media - Fox, Newsmax, OANN and all the right wing Talk Radio stations who have promoted Trump's lies about the Election. Fox has been...
This next few... minutes... will make clear why and how the establishment are so scared of people like Julian Assange. He is but one who can and will reveal their dirty big secrets given half a chance. Hillary Clinton has already made it clear he should be killed and...
If you are not aware of your inner monologue, it’s the voice that’s just said, “What’s he on about?” Let’s be clear about our inner monologue or voice, it’s a critic, it’s a carping, down driving, dismal damned critic, which has the (almost) sole purpose of making us feel bad....