15.6 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Keir Starmer and David Evans now lead an openly racist, antisemitic, bullying, hypocritical, authoritarian disgrace of a Party. They are now briefing *THE SPECTATOR-SEE ATTACHED PHOTOS, THE S*N & THE DAILY MAIL* whilst bullying and being antisemitic to our own Jewish members. With total impunity. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/new-year-new-keir-how-the-labour-leader-will-change-tack-in-2021?fbclid=IwAR3UreFIOLojeEBuhm0Ai9_FBFms8SAYtdrV9qb-elZg7CeMPTAJux5-WvM One has to hand...
I found this debate both heartening and disheartening at once. Heartening because Maajid played it cool and was attempting a serious discussion on a very important topic but disheartening because Oswald wasn't. Unfortunately because Oswald is attached to emotion and not an intellectual conversation a great opportunity is yet again...
George Monbiot
Where there is chaos, the government will multiply it. Where people are pushed to the brink, it will shove them over. Boris Johnson ignored the pleas of businesses and politicians across the UK – especially in Northern Ireland – to extend the Brexit transition process. Never mind the pandemic, never mind...
In the words of Queen this is a real 'Hammer to Fall'. The government and the Opposition rightfully condemned for reactionary politics that lack sense for the UK public. If we are expected to come out and vote Gary says how can the Opposition not take a position and abstain? Damed...
When someone asked what she thought was a benign question she got more than she bargained for. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Whatever one thinks of GMB and Piers Morgan one cannot deny that Michael Gove gives the impression of a slug trying to avoid a saucer of beer. At what point does he take responsibility for his government's ineptitude, untruths and nepotistic behaviour? Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST...
So the man worth £200 Million with a £10 million property portfolio (metropolitan digs in London – a Kensington mews house, a flat on Old Brompton Road – and a place in California) with a £1.5 million Georgian manor in Yorkshire set across 12 acres, including an ornamental lake...
So, now Keir Starmer & Gen. Sec David Evans are briefing THE DAILY MAIL! saying, blatantly and with complete impunity, that they intend to continue to break Labour's own rules, the NEC decision, PLP standing orders and the EHRC rules. They've gone to one of the two most racist,...
Can I just remind everyone... as well as breaking Labour Party rules, rejecting NEC unanimous disciplinary decisions (Starmer's lot chose the panel and it was MINORITY Left, yet all 5 voted in favour of Corbyn), breaking PLP standing orders, EHRC rules, lying to the media about what Jeremy said,...
Today's announcement, that must make hungry children jump up and down with glee, is that the government has found £16.5 billion to spend on the navy and the war machine. This will fill their stomachs and help them sleep at night and concentrate at school. 'Boris Johnson has vowed...