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Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Are Starmerite Labour and Twitter colluding against socialist voices?
If this is widespread then the Labour party look like they have moved from progressive to fascist tendencies in the last six months under different leaders. From Mr Corbyn's message of many and hope to Starmer's elitism and stagnation. 'Socialists criticising Sir Keir Starmer are being repeatedly reported until their...
Many people asked me what the reason for David's death was. The Venetian hospital stated in autopsy results that the cause of death is massive internal bleeding caused by pancreatitis necrosis.  My conspiracy theory, which has no medical justification, is that it is associated with Covid.  I watched the news for...
And it does not take a high IQ to do some quick research to confirm it. So those who continue to spew the libellous garbage against Jeremy Corbyn are doing so for their own agendas not the agenda of truth. https://twitter.com/georgegalloway/status/1321962806393081857?s=20 Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The corporate media helped kill democracy in the UK and helped keep a man who has been an anti racist all his life out of power. What does this say about them and those who believe them? https://twitter.com/BarnabyRaine/status/1322129786500796417?s=20 Jewish people across the country and beyond are queuing up to enlighten us...
Letter to our local rag, the Western Gazette about our MP Marcus Fysh distorting the facts:-Free School Meals During School Holidays "Dear Editor It’s a bit rich of my MP, Marcus Fysh to accuse Preston Academy principal Gregg Morrison of spreading lies and division (Western Gazette, October 29th 2020). https://twitter.com/sturdyAlex/status/1319985101225287680?s=20 Mr Fysh is...
What a monumental f**k-up Keir Starmer & David Evans the Gen. Secretary have made. Jeremy Corbyn should now sue, and he definitely would win.... They have also managed, bar a tiny faction, to unite the entire membership (what’s left of it) in stating this is absolutely absurd and should be...
The suspension just now of Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party is a turning point. It shows just how right many of us were to say that Keir Starmer would go further, more quickly and more ruthlessly in destroying the left than many on the Labour left thought. This...
My statement following the publication of the EHRC report:“Antisemitism is absolutely abhorrent, wrong and responsible for some of humanity’s greatest crimes. As Leader of the Labour Party I was always determined to eliminate all forms of racism and root out the cancer of antisemitism. I have campaigned in support...
Andrew Feinstein: “As the son of a holocaust survivor I find the use of antisemitism to fight political battles hard to stomach” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMc_0gaeoBU&feature=youtu.be We all know where the real problem lies but the establishment keeps quiet because they like them. https://dorseteye.com/starmer-and-labour-right-orchestrated/ PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Response to the EHRC’s investigation into anti-Semitism in the Labour Party Last year, the so-called Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) announced it was investigating the Labour Party’s handling of anti-Semitism, and they subsequently decided to name me in their draft report. Today, I am pleased to say that, despite an...