14.3 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
George Monbiot
Could it be true? That this government will bring all sales of petrol and diesel cars to an end by 2030? That it will cancel all rail franchises and replace them with a system that might actually work? Could the UK, for the first time since the internal combustion engine was invented, really...
“I was talking to my vape juice supplier this morning in his shop locally. He’s a brexit voting Tory sympathiser and voter normally - which I suspect having known him for about 2 years is because of political ignorance and laziness more than a right wing bent, and he was...
George Monbiot
Full-scale participatory democracy would change everything. It has the same revolutionary potential as the universal franchise and women’s suffrage It’s good entertainment, but that’s all it is. Seeing Boris Johnson ritually dismembered in Parliament might make us feel better, but nothing changes. He still has an 80-seat majority, though only 29% of...
What I think of as the cynical left are once again berating the progressive critical left, myself included, for failing to write what they want written about Covid-19. I take this as a kind of unintended compliment: that they think we can write about their concerns better than they...
I got no good news for you America. There's no way out of this now
I didn't watch the debate, because I had better things to do in the middle of the night here in England, like sleep, or stare out the window at the little pots they put on chimneys here for no obvious reason. The very idea of a debate in this election...
A case study. The year is 2020. It is now 10 years and four months since Gordon Brown's Labour Party were in government. In that time the national debt has rocketed under three Conservative Prime Ministers and many more Conservative Chancellor's. What has happened in those years...? Well according to James...
Most voters... do not know the truth about the current Labour and Lib Dem parties
The main opposition parties summed up in approximately 100 words. "The Labour and Lib Dem establishments literally don’t care about winning elections and care even less about policy outcomes. Obviously they’d rather win than lose, but they’d rather see their parties lose than either lose control of them or have...
Banning schools from discussing anti capitalism is another symptom of a creeping dictatorship in the UK
Out of chaos comes order. Who said the following: “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost...
Does everyone deserve to have a voice without being labelled a 'conspiracy theorist'?
Conspiracy theory is a term coined as early as the late nineteenth century but became used much more by the establishment from 1964 to shut down contrary theories to the accepted establishment narrative. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) and the consequent attempt by the Warren Commission to...
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
Labour do need to talk about patriotism, ‘Britishness’ etc. I said this when Corbyn was in charge and I say it now. What Labour absolutely should not do, is what they are doing now-pandering and not leading. Pandering to the right will not work & will alienate more people...