14.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
While this might sound like just a fandom post for Taylor Swift, it’s not. It’s a remark about how social media sways public opinion and how the patriarchy is still alive and well in American and western society today. If you’re not listening to Taylor, you cannot objectively claim a lack...
"In a piece in the Sunday’s Sunday Times called “It’s A Sick Joke : US Comedians Are Fearless – And Funnier Than Ours”, Jeremy Clarkson selectively quotes a sentence from my 45-minute 2009 about him, in which I said I hoped Richard Hammond was blinded and decapitated in a...
As the tale of Weymouth unwinds, we find ourselves in a darkly comedic tableau, where melancholy and humour hold a crooked mirror up to despair. This is a place where hope doesn’t so much spring eternal as it occasionally trips and falls face first into the gutter, only to...

An anti-fascist needs our help

A nod to anti-fascists everywhere, one of your own is in a challenging health situation and has been diagnosed with likely end-of-life issues with his lungs. I can tell you without going into it obviously he’s been STAUNCH in our area for many, many years. If anyone can get his...
Roll up! Roll up! It will be all over by Christmas, and you can come home to a hero's welcome. Remember that? It did not work out like that, though, did it? Most did not come home, and those who did never got over their physical and mental terrors....
Dear members of the Media Operation Withdraw Consent is a non-partisan campaign that believes that the police are failing their duties to the majority of the public and we should collectively withdraw our consent. Undoubtedly, there are many for whom the police in this country "work.”. However, this is not...

What anti woke looks like

The history of humanity has been between woke's and anti-woke's. Those who are decent seek to remove those who are psychopathic and cruel. Just some examples of anti woke's from recent history suggest that by not defeating them, humanity is devastated. A brief history of the anti woke: This anti woke...
The corporate media helped kill democracy in the UK and helped keep a man who has been an anti-racist all his life out of power. What does that say about them and those who believe them? https://twitter.com/BarnabyRaine/status/1322129786500796417?s=20 Jewish people across the country and beyond are queuing up to enlighten us that...
Local News Takes a Technological Turn with Artificial Intelligence at the Helm In a staggering departure from tradition, the Dorset Echo has handed over its age-old editorial reins to a team of relentless AI apps. What was once the realm of ink-stained fingers and coffee-stained notepads is now a symphony...
In the aftermath of Labour’s phenomenal performance in the 2017 General Election, Tony Blair called on Jeremy Corbyn to return Labour to the centre ground or face political wilderness, warning of the ills of “unreconstructed hard-left economics.” However, Corbyn used his 2017 New Years’ message to proclaim that Labour...