15.1 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
This government has stopped pretending to make any sense
I would genuinely welcome anyone who is able to explain what Michael Gove says. It is truly Kafkaesque. https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1304838654758617088?s=20 Douglas James
He should be in a courtroom offering up his 'advisor' for a jury to decide. But no he is in the Commons with numerous other villains. https://twitter.com/brexit_sham/status/1304355060827258881?s=20 And then of course there are the double standards of the corporate media: https://twitter.com/1957AJB/status/1304303765378531329?s=20 And the utter rubbish that comes out of their mouths for the...
. I believe that as a nation and as people we should be doing more than we currently are, which isn’t much, to support those in need of refuge and asylum, and will disagree with anyone who doesn’t. I believe that France is as much to blame as we are for the terrible deaths and living conditions that

Joke (or aphorism) of the day

https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1304187074237603845?s=20 Given that he had to drive to the pub to test his eye sight he may refrain from ordering himself. But given their penchant for law breaking probably not. Douglas James Send us yours but keep them clean....
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
This is not an attack on Starmer himself, this is an attack on those in the Labour Right/Blairite/FBPE-People's Vote/James O'Brien etc gang/Lib Dems/Plaid/Greens/SNP/'Liberal' hypocritical commentariat and media. I say this as a Remainer. Re Brexit...THIS!!! Very much THIS!!! From Soloman Hughes: "Lots of big campaigns don't win, but they...
During the Napoleonic War, Napoleon referred to Great Britain as “Perfidious Albion”, that no one should trust Britain. Having had Brexit, and desperately seeking trade treaties, the Government now think it is a good idea to  negate an International agreement into which Britain freely entered. The spin is being put out this...
These two things were stated today: PATRICK VALLANCE: “Young people have a very low risk of death…. but it doesn’t mean that young people can’t get ill and we increasingly recognise that some of those may be ill for a prolonged period. The second point…. if you look at other...
My first tweet to Boris Johnson

My first tweet to Boris Johnson

Short and sweet but reveals a man that would have been run out of town in my grandparent's time. https://twitter.com/TomLane2019/status/1303491101765107715?s=20 Tom Lane
UK infects New Zealand with new Covid-19 cases featured image
The government has introduced: From next Monday, any gathering of more than six people in England will be illegal, unless it meets one of a limited list of exemptionsThis applies to gatherings both indoors and outdoorsThe new rule does not apply to households or bubbles of more than six, or...
Leading fact checker finds that Toby Young and Guido Fawkes have been spreading fake news
Having been abused myself on many occasions for pointing out reality it is no surprise that Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson know that they could drop a bomb on some people's houses and the survivors would still not here a word against them. Anyone who asked them why would...