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Monday, September 23, 2024
Wonderful summary of the ultimate failing of Boris Johnson by Professor . He walks away from all the mess he creates and leaves it to others to clear up. He believes that most people have short term memory issues and will forget that he is an unmitigated disaster. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1290678948184064002?s=20 However there...
This tweet could not be worded better. It literally sums up the historical vision that many have of the Toxic party. 'The most worrying thing about the #ToryRapist story is that we wouldn't be surprised if it was any of them.' Can anyone think of a male Tory MP where they...
SILENCE reigned when Diane Abbott was abused day after day, year after year. Now though they want to bury the terminal abuse from inside their own party against people who genuinely want to help communities and society. The leaked report exposed the sordid reality of the centrist conspirators and...
George Monbiot
The great majority of people do not want to return to business-as-usual after the pandemic, but our governments are determined to make us do so. Out there somewhere, marked on no map but tantalisingly near, is a promised land called Normal, to which one day we can return. This is...
Karens hit back over labelling
'We just want the tabloids... to stop labelling us as 'racist, entitled, anti maskers... when that is not who we are.' https://twitter.com/AL3X__97/status/1290235058725347328?s=20 https://twitter.com/thismorning/status/1290233776820252672?s=20 Why not then Portia, Allegra or Camilla? Too posh for the public school types? Or is looking down on the working classes too fashionable? Penny Lane
Ex Russian diplomat reveals all
Now that we know that the Tory Brexit was manufactured in the Kremlin... we need to ask ourselves 'what now?'. https://dorseteye.com/russia-report-now-we-know-why-the-brexit-tories-did-not-want-to-know-they-are-traitors/ What were the backhanders that were coughed up for the British establishment crooks who took the 12 pieces of silver? Why have they sold out the British... population who...
Many humans are contradictory creatures. They say one thing one minute and then something else to the contrary a minute later. How is it possible to have a rational conversation if the process of engaging with someone does not follow an informed logical formula? I once had a conversation with...
I've got to ask all the Starmer supporters if they think the people acting on behalf of some of the staff exposed in the leaked Labour Report actually care about the Labour Party? If you've followed events this week you'll know that some of these people are looking to...
BAME: By trying to simplify terminology, it’s excluded almost everybody
On Wednesday 22/07/2020, the disgraced and incarcerated ex-police officer Derek Chauvin and his wife Kellie were both charged with tax evasion dating back to 2014. The former police officer is already in police custody facing charges of murder in the killing of George Floyd on May 25.
Jonathan Pie enters the contentious debate occurring in the UK with a clear message reasoned in his inimitable way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=wZQkBHysrig&feature=emb_logo