16.2 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
My post earlier this month on the so-called “cancel culture” letter proved to be the most polarising I have written – matched only by another recent post on the pulling down of a statue in the UK to a slave trader. The ferocity of the reactions to both, I believe, is related. It...

Going and Returning

The hospital got me just in time, I had already accepted the end, too far gone for fear or regret. I closed my eyes and quietly entered the tunnel of the end, without form or feature, finally exhausted, beyond life’s frail borders, on a gentle path to the inevitable sister to life, death. It wasn’t
"I can tell you this — I will never lose to a white boy in my life. I don't care what nobody got to say. Listen, can't no white boy beat me, I don't care, on any day of the week. I fight a white boy like 10 times,...
Liberals defend The Guardian. Keir Starmer supporters defend The Guardian. Blairites per se defend The Guardian. Socialists and those who seek a much fairer and democratic society see it for exactly what it is. They attempt to look caring until the final push and then they disappear down the *rabbit...
To open with a positive is a nice thing to do in the company of the hundreds of thousands of people watching. What comes next though is a dismemberment that equates to a metaphorical murder. If ever a false sense of security was lulled this is it. https://twitter.com/LeonjWard/status/1284042750741143552?s=20
This. This. This again. An absolute-must read for all Labour people. Nails it. You do not pander, you LEAD. This is one of the obvious (to me, at least) huge mistakes Starmer and UK Labour are making. This is brilliant, on-point, gives historic examples and is absolutely correct, constructive...
The minimum expectation of any government has to be  that they will keep its people safe. Unfortunately the present government have completely failed to do that, and the future looks even more dismal! Mismanaging the Coronavirus pandemic, through empty promises, confusing messages, repeated failures on testing, PPE and moving to...
I know Mark Drakeford, our First Minister here in Wales (our ‘Prine Minister’) and leader of Welsh Labour is the following: *A Socialist*Pro Unions*Pro Trans rights*Passionately anti-racist*Is in Stop The War*Was first to support & announce a Climate Emergency*Very much pro Disabled people (WILG change example)*Policy on refusing OUR money...
This Toby Young: Yes that posh little creepy gormless person who the Tory government turn to to comment on anything they need other creepy gormless people to lap up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=265&v=BeF5FjmM-mU&feature=emb_logo Penny Lane
An open letter published by Harper’s magazine, and signed by dozens of prominent writers and public figures, has focused attention on the apparent dangers of what has been termed a new “cancel culture”. The letter brings together an unlikely alliance of genuine leftists, such as Noam Chomsky and Matt Karp, centrists such...