15.6 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
Cancel culture comes full circle as an MP is fired for posting an article from The Independent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5TVLEaqqdI If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
I want to issue an apology to so many people who rely on The Labour Party to represent you. I am absolutely, genuinely embarrassed by the way the Party is currently being led. I want to show total solidarity with the many people who have been in contact, with...
This morning Mr Zahawi said this: https://dorseteye.com/nadhim-zahawi-admits-that-to-have-influence-over-policy-the-public-should-go-to-a-tory-fundraising-event/ As a result of this I have sent a letter to my Tory MP: "Was Nadhim Zahawi correct when he said on Radio 4's Today Programme that people who go to Conservative Party fundraising events increase their chances of influencing government policy and do you...
George Monbiot
When Boris Johnson claimed last week that removing statues is “to lie about our history”, you could almost admire his brass neck. This is the man who was sacked from his first job, on The Times, for lying about our history. He fabricated a quote from his own godfather, the historian Colin Lucas,...
Just about sums it up. Apart from 'dangerous psychopath' along with the rest of those in power in the UK and beyond. Let's take a look at what he says: https://twitter.com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1275683484544221187?s=20 And then the response that nails it: https://twitter.com/GMB/status/1275686355331362816?s=20 Penny Lane
This report reveals the current EU in all its ghastly detail: Corporate lobbying and the upcoming German EU Presidency It is well worth a read to identify exactly who is running the show. One group who definitely are not are the public of the member countries. This is a classic oligarchical...
Boris Johnson’s and Dominic  Cummings’ unique ability to turn everything they touch to chaos and failure is blighting the entire Government Coronavirus strategy. Apple says it knows nothing of the reputed Tracking project the government claims to be working with them. Yet more fantasies! And tens of thousands of...
Before we make a statement, we would like to quote the brilliant Maya Goodfellow here: "We'll see many Conservatives celebrate Windrush Day today, as if the Windrush scandal is over. It's NOT: -Many still haven't received compensation-The Windrush review recommendations haven't been implemented-The Hostile Environment is still in place; still destroying...
Jonathan goes after pampered middle class demonstrators. Does he have a point? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OvmZNxS3hc
We have to hand it to the government. Their level of incompetency is now beyond measurement and yet they are still ahead of Keir Starmer in the polls. What that tells us is of course another issue entirely. This is the reality and yet it reads like a joke with numerous...