15.6 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
X = Y. If X = Lies and Y = 100 x 100 to the power of 1000 then Boris Johnson's not knowing, until today, about Marcus Rashford's campaign to keep children's food vouchers across the summer holiday can only be explained by the below or the above equation. https://twitter.com/jonnets/status/1272941845853753345?s=20 Douglas James
It is part of my job to study political history. Here is my attempt at injecting some perspective into recent events, a mixture of my own views and analysis done by people that know more than me. If you can’t handle nuance then look away: 1) Statues are not history....

Monumental Times

Look at the monuments that are sited across cities and towns, and you will see that the vast majority depict white men, from a certain class and historical standing. Very few black people are represented and rarely women.  Edward Colston, the slave trader, towered over the people of Bristol for...

Britain’s Year Zero

This government wants to crash out of the EU on January 1st which will be Britain's Year Zero. Year Zero will be a self-imposed siege with the US 'rescuing' us Berlin-airlift style with chlorinated chicken, GMO corn and growth hormone beef. Out of a year of disaster capitalism the...
Ok, enough is enough. Let me strap myself in for any fellow Labour member who thinks it is defendable or in any remote way justifiable for Labour to be potentially supporting a 10 year jail sentence for bringing down racist statues (which is exactly what our Shadow Home Secretary...
This should be the defining image of how decent people respond to fascism. If they will not listen to reason and they keep the hate flowing then this is the only alternative. https://twitter.com/georgecdragon/status/1272125671423295488?s=20 Followed by this: Douglas James
All week, I've seen Far Right supporters on social media encouraging 'patriots', 'football supporters', 'football hooligans', 'lads' and 'crews' (their terms for football hooligans), to come to London this weekend to 'defend our statues', 'fight the Antifa communists', 'fight for Queen and country' and 'fight the BLM scum!' (ALL...
Look at the colour of their skin. Look at their sex and genders. Look at their social class. Look at their hair length. Look at the fags and beer cans. Listen to their language. If there was a betrayal of everything rational in the UK it is this. A...
A YouGov study has found Britons judge Boris Johnson’s handling of the crisis to be even worse than Americans rate Donald Trump’s coronavirus mismanagement. The huge mistake in not sacking Dominic Cummings after he smashed a wrecking ball through government lockdown guidelines by driving to Durham and Barnard Castle, when...
'A # negates responsibility and achieves nothing. However a # is trendy and can precipitate change.' And a lot more besides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVNGau3M5_s