13.5 C
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Police have dismissed the suggestion that a boat hit swimmers in a major incident off Bournemouth beach that resulted in the deaths of a teenager and a younger girl. A 17-year-old boy and the 12-year-old girl died following an incident on Wednesday afternoon. Eight other people were treated at the scene for...
BCP Council and New Forest District Council are encouraging people to have their say on the proposed leading options to manage coastal flood and erosion risk, from Hengistbury Head Long Groyne to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour. The Christchurch Bay and Harbour- Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy...
The public are being urged to Respect The Water as latest statistics show accidental drowning deaths increased again last year, with more dying at inland water than around the coast.  There were 277 deaths in the UK from accidental drownings in 2021 across inland and coastal locations. This is an increase of 23...

Discovering the Purbeck coast

All the rocks in Dorset are sedimentary and were deposited in water, mostly in shallow seas. They were deposited during the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary between about 200 million years ago and 40 million years ago and vary considerably in hardness and therefore resistance to erosion. This is well displayed on the Isle of Purbeck...
As part of its ‘Get Set To Go’ programme, Dorset Mind has partnered with Resurface to provide an affordable 12-week course of structured activity. It’s aimed at adults aged 30+, who want to improve their mental wellbeing.   The ethos behind Resurface is to utilise proven therapeutic benefits of surfing, yoga and cold-water immersion to offer a lifestyle activity programme for people looking to improve their mental health and quality of life.  Starting on the...

Discovering St Aldhelms Head

Moving west from St Aldhelm’s Head the coast cuts north to form Chapman’s Pool. Here the Kimmeridge Clay is at sea level and erosion exposes interesting fossils, especially ammonites. These extinct creatures are related to Nautilus which can still be found in modern oceans but have survived for around 400 million years with...
The rocks seen on this section can be seen by walking from Poole Head eastwards. The Sandbanks area has no exposure due to buildings and the underlying geology is Palaeogene (Tertiary) Parkstone Clay. The aerial picture below shows the Sandbanks Peninsula the Studland Peninsula and Shell Bay in the foreground. The low...
Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy announced its iconic Blue Flags for excellent water quality, and our three towns have been confirmed with 12 awards in total with 14 additional Seaside Awards, which celebrate the quality and diversity of our coastline. The recognition follows previous awards* for our coastline after Bournemouth...
Bournemouth Borough Council spent just £5,718 fighting Corallian’s Colter Prospect oil appraisal well in Poole Bay, but spent over eleven times as much opposing a local wind farm proposal in the same bay – but over twice the distance from the shoreline. The figures were revealed through a Freedom of...
A little over four months on since the footage of pollution in Blue Planet II shocked the nation, the fight against plastic continues on Bournemouth and Poole beaches. Bass and Mackerel, as well as other local marine life are now two of the 600 marine species whose lives are directly...