15.7 C
Thursday, July 4, 2024
The Tigers Army Parachute Display Team was formed in 1986 under the watchful eye of Colonel P. V. Panton  The team were originally named "The Flying Dragons due to being established from the Queen's regiment, The team today has adopted the name  "The Tigers". We hope you enjoyed it. If you would like...
Second job of the day.... appalling and simply NOT ACCEPTABLE. Reports at Studland of overnight camping, attended the scene with the National trust and found this complete mess left. Unfortunately for the people who decided to leave with the fire still warm & their rubbish sprawled all over the area,...

Poole Harbour Update

As a result of the progress of the cleanup operations, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has revised previous advice and indicated that people are able to once again use the beaches and water in the Poole Harbour area for recreational use. This includes swimming, bathing and watersports. Pets are...
Announced during an online ceremony, Bournemouth’s Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf, the majestic Upton Country Park in Poole and Yessica Falcon, the indefatigable Manager of the Bournemouth Tourist Information Centre all had well deserved success and recognition at the postponed 2020 Dorset Tourism Awards.  On the Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf runners-up prize in the Large Visitor Attraction category ,  Manager Yessica Falcon says, “We’re absolutely thrilled to have won silver â€“...
BCP Council and New Forest District Council are encouraging people to have their say on the proposed leading options to manage coastal flood and erosion risk, from Hengistbury Head Long Groyne to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour. The Christchurch Bay and Harbour- Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy...
As part of their Leave Only Footprints initiative, the Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Tourism Seafront Team will be collecting toys and inflatables left at the beach to be enjoyed by other beachgoers. Leave Only Footprints was devised in 2018 with the intention of encouraging locals and visitors in Bournemouth &...
Not landmines, as many thousands of children... around the world have to endure, but still symptomatic of people (usually young) finding excitement where they can. If you see anything potentially harmful to others either report it or remove and re locate safely.
As we go out and about we come across some of the most beautiful coastline in the country and some hidden cultural treasures that many may have not visited. Each one will be a little taster to possibly wet the appetite to visit and find out more. Where are we? https://www.youtube.com/embed/NUUwr6DIu94 Click on...
Dorset, a beautiful county located in the south-west of England, offers a variety of attractions and scenic spots for visitors and locals to explore. Here is a list of the top 50 places to visit in Dorset: Durdle Door: A natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast, providing breathtaking coastal...
Absolutely disgusted how Bournemouth beach was left this evening! Every bin was overflowing but the amount of rubbish that was just left on the sand was absolutely disgusting! Nicky Meek