7.5 C
Monday, December 23, 2024
Stir To Action presents a six-month programme of training workshops to build the co-operative capacity of local communities. These workshops will introduce participants to new tools, innovative strategies and the practices that can enable us to face up to climate change, financial crises and the other social problems we...


The artist taxi driver takes to the road again..interviewing MPs lobbyists bankers nurses doctors teachers unions whistleblowers Lords War mongers journalists lawyers and activists..time to expose Westminster the Houses of Parliament and Lords..the seat of Government..a look into the deep dark depts of bribery, corruption, cover-ups, lobbyists, an investigation...
Recently the South Dorset Green Party Parliamentary candidate, Jane Burnet, led a group handing out leaflets to rail travellers to win more support for the already popular campaign to bring the railways back into public ownership.  This was part of the national fair–fares day of action organised by a...
A few days ago I contacted the Dorset Eye online who ran a story about a young woman named Helena who suffers from PTSD and other mental health issues and had been denied money to live because she hadn't jumped through enough hoops - for those of you who...
As the cuts to local Government and thereby to front-line council services continue to bite, money is sucked away from everything from arts and cultural projects, waste disposal, drug and alcohol services to benefits and childcare provision. A hole is left. And just because the investment is no longer...
Keith Ordinary Guy - the Bath man who sends a letter to David Cameron every day - is heading to Bath Police Station at 2pm on Friday 2nd May to send the message that the government's new Claimant Commitment Contract contravenes the Human Rights Act (HRA), and that Iain...
When I started my life of activism I worked on political issues, ones that make the blood boil, and experienced the government and corporations trying to poison the largest aquifer in the US with radioactive waste. We fought extremely important fights and we won some battles temporarily but often...
In case you missed it, and wonder what the devil I'm rattling on about here, here are the links to a series that has appeared over the last few days in these pages. In this article I want to expand on some of the thinking behind the suggestions and points...
Parts 1 & 2 3. Nitty-Gritty One question that we've been debating over at P.L.E.B. (it stands for the People's Liberation Executive of Britain, by the way) is whether it would be necessary for people to own their homes. My personal view, given that I would want no-one harmed by a...
For those who missed Part 1: EXCESS AND POVERTY – TIME FOR A REAL CHANGE? Part 1 2. A Possible Solution We hear constantly about the boom and bust economy. However, our governments never prepare for the bust years while the going is good. There's a certain arrogance about British politicians...