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Alternatives For You - Dorset North

Dr Magnus Pyke died almost 25 years ago. However, anyone born before 1975 will probably remember him fondly from their childhood as the eccentric gesticulating scientist explaining the complex to lay people. What is little known is Dr Pyke's highly critical perspective of society, in particular, the nature of...
For the last 40 years or so the world has been subjected to an economic model that rips the heart out of humanity and turns everyone against each other. This model is known as neo liberalism. However, there is a new model in town which seeks to replace it...
Every person who is confronted by the police, magistrate, judge, prosecution barrister, HMRC, ticket inspector... now has a defence that is guaranteed to fool some for most of the time. It is called the Boris Johnson defence. Here it can be applied to Emma Smart, the environmental activist, refused bale...

The Daily Fail Generator

This is brilliant. Hours upon hours of fun. Just refresh and a new Daily Fail article appears just as outrageous as the previous. Enjoy. The Daily Fail Generator
Emil Cioran, born in 1911 in Romania, was a prominent philosopher whose works were deeply rooted in existentialism. Cioran's unique perspective on human existence, filled with an overwhelming sense of pessimism and despair, gained him both admiration and controversy. I. Early Life and Intellectual Development Emil Cioran's formative years...
Whether one voted to Leave or Stay is not the issue. The issue is how bad does it have to get before those who voted to leave admit that a new direction is required. For the very rich they don't care because they will always look after themselves but...
Check this out Pre and post Covid-19 economies reveal the massive con across the planet by establishment politicians… and now watch this to see how we are being totally conned about the economy to keep us trapped in personal debt and slaves to the elite. Essential reading: https://twitter.com/DerbyChrisW/status/1383804246819180547?s=20 Join us in helping to...
Our immune systems are better off with a smile than a frown. Let's spread the humour no matter how bad things might get. https://twitter.com/BigNigeNUFC/status/1238760871012323328?s=20 Warning: Naughty language https://dorseteye.com/who-gives-a-what-celebrities-think/ https://dorseteye.com/bill-hicks-what-are-you-reading-for-and-depressing-sh-on-the-news/ https://dorseteye.com/if-we-cannot-smile-at-and-with-young-people-then-all-hope-is-gone/ If you want to lighten the moment send yours to us vis our Facebook Group Messenger. Penny Lane
We all need to open our minds. Fear can be very persuasive. The corporate media omnipotence can be very persuasive. But what about the real data and the real evidence? Not the hand picked de contextualised outcomes but the picture in its entirety? The government... may be telling us the...

Act Of Resistance – Part 1

So much is wrong with our world. Everyone knows it. But it’s almost impossible to make a difference. Everyone knows that. And yet… we can make a difference. It’s a numbers games. We just need to add ourselves to the numbers. Here’s how. #1 acts of resistance #1 join a union it’s practical, it’s sensible, it gives you a...