8.8 C
Friday, May 17, 2024
The South West England Branch of the National Union of Journalists voted a motion against racism this week. It also agreed that the asylum seekers who will be interred on the barge at Portland Port should be allowed to meet journalists to ensure that their human rights are not...
This racially profiled image is prominently displayed on the Weymouth and Portland Police Facebook page. The unacceptable message to the public is clear - young black men are responsible for so-called county lines drug-trafficking. If this image was deliberately posted by our local police, it goes a long way towards...
The following is a typical cowardly right-wing response to racism and bigotry. Ignore it or defend it. GB Spews are notorious for self-promotion but are being abandoned or ignored by sponsors and the public at large. They offer nothing but ill-informed bigotry from ill-informed bigots. Thankfully, the majority despises...
Racist sexist
I need to declare something.  I am racist and I am sexist! That will come as quite a shock to those who know me.  I am known in both my professional and personal life to be strongly anti-racist, anti-sexist and against all forms of oppression, so why do I declare myself to...
Seems backwards racist attitudes are prevalent even in gentle Facebook groups. The comments were embarrassing and nostalgic for the good old racist days when the BNP were on the rise and the Black and White Minstrels show was on TV. I haven’t hidden names as they posted in a public...
This 26 year old man from Blackpool explains how he transformed himself from being a racist to standing up to racism. Well done! Now let us make this the fashion. Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
So, something just happened on my tube journey home that I have to share. I got on the train as normal and sat opposite a young girl wearing a hijab. She smiled at me as I sat down, and nothing else was said. Just behind me, another guy got...
Racism is a term that lacks agreement and causes controversy. It has multiple identities from emotional to institutional with ideological, cultural and colour blind hopping around looking for attention. Whether it is explained using psychology, sociology or biology they all point in the same direction i.e. anger, ignorance, scapegoating, disempowerment, oppression,...
Made up terms. No depth or context. Just the walking dead making unfathomable noises. This sums up the way racists and the far right largely treat black people when they refuse to accept the abuse, exploitation and cancelling. This very brief discussion bring many of these topics to the fore...

What is Racism? by Michael Rosen

It's a clockmender who left his country to get a better living and all is fine until things start changing there's an invasion he and his wife run to another town and the people who are supposed to keep law and order decide to put him and his wife on a list and...