8.7 C
Friday, May 17, 2024
In 60 days our country will vote on UKIP's xenophobic agenda. That means we have just 100 days to fight the lies and fear they're peddling.  We've created a 100-Day plan stop them from filling the European Parliament with their anti-migrant and scapegoating agenda, and this plan has a role...
Today, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were found guilty of brutally murdering British soldier Lee Rigby, an act they claimed was revenge for the killing of Muslims by British and American forces around the world. Now, we must unite to ensure that their mission is not used to justify...
A wonderful gesture by a Sherborne B&B owner will hopefully ignite similar responses across the UK. As reported by the BBC Malcolm Heygate-Browne, of the Bakehouse in Sherborne, said he found reports of racism and xenophobia "incredibly sad and depressing". He is offering free stays to European passport holders outside the UK on...