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Monday, September 16, 2024
The elections for the new position of Police & Crime Commissioner for Dorset will take place on Thursday 15 November. An advertising campaign raising awareness of the elections is running on television and a booklet will be posted to every household in the country explaining what the Police &...
The seventeenth Annual National Police Bravery Awards will be taking place next Wednesday, 18th October in London. I am delighted to announce that our nominee is Constable Jacqui Ellis for single-handedly arresting a female who had just stabbed her own Mother to death. I have been writing the Press...
Over the past two days, thousands of police officers have made their way to Manchester to pay their respects to PC’s Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone, whose funerals have now taken place. They were joined by many of members of the public - who stood shoulder to shoulder with...


I am with our JBB Secretary Steve Davenport and writing this on a train, careering through the Oxfordshire countryside towards York, where this year’s National Police Memorial Service is to take place. Every year, quite rightly, we remember the dead from two world wars and many other conflicts. Since...
On 15 November 2012, for the first time ever, the public will elect a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) who will be accountable for how crime is tackled in their police force area. To provide stronger and more transparent accountability of the police, PCCs will be elected by the...
The luring of two unarmed Greater Manchester Police officers to an address followed by their murder, in which a firearm and grenade were apparently used - takes the dangers that officers face to an all time high and the levels to which some criminals will stoop to an all...
A large Green Rotavator costing £500 has been stolen from Dorchester Youth & Community Centre, Kings Road, Dorchester. If anybody has any information of it's whereabouts or is offered such an item for sale through a private source, please contact Dorset Police by dialling 101 from a UK Landline...
Young women in police custody are being deprived of support to safeguard their mental health, a report has claimed. The study by Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS), found that underlying mental health issues can go unnoticed and undiagnosed in custody. Young women interviewed for the study stressed the importance...
15 April 1989. As a 14 year old boy I witnessed, from the safety of another stand, 96 people be killed or fatally injured at Hillsborough. Since then others, led by the awe-inspiring families of those killed and injured that day, have led the campaign to find out the...
The Chief Constable of Dorset Police, Martin Baker QPM BSc (Hons) MBA, will step down at the end of this month after his resignation was accepted by the Dorset Police Authority Chief Officer Appointments Committee today, Friday 7 September 2012. Mr Baker has been Chief Constable of Dorset Police...