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Sunday, May 19, 2024
“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...

DOs and DON’Ts of HAPPY

“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...

Too grumpy to laugh

“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...

Not net curtains

I remember being caught out with this old joke: Joker: Venetian blinds could save your life. Me: How do you figure that? Joker: If it wasn’t for Venetian blinds, it could be curtains for everyone! The problem I have this week isn’t the choice between Venetian blinds and curtains,...

How to queue properly

“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...
The consumer magazine Which? ran an article this month claiming that a third of the 7000 people it surveyed had cursed at a check out machine. I know the feeling… These are the self-service checkout machines they have in supermarkets. You can choose to use them instead of standing...

Nuisance Calls

“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...
The three best things about going on holiday are planning your trip, actually being away for a couple of weeks in the sun and, possibly at the top of the list, reporting back to your family and friends when you return home about how horrendous your flights were. ...
I’ve just returned from doing battle in my community. It was nothing too serious but there were times when things did become rather brutal and divisive. Worst still, aspersions were cast on my dear wife for the time it takes her to wash our windows. And before you start...

Why drivers hate mechanics

“Dorset Cream Tease is where you’ll find the relaxing, maddening, hilarious and bewildering stories, gossip and rants that help all of us to cope with life in Dorset. Everything you read here will be 90% true (almost). So get yourself hooked by visiting every week, and feel free to...