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Friday, September 20, 2024
The Third Way march, with their Icons in “yes we can” Shepard Fairey style! WRITTEN BY HISAM ASHKAR, translated by Laila Attar and Ubiydah Mobarak News of the visits of fascist and far-right groups to Syria, to show solidarity with the regime, have recently started to emerge, especially with the beginning of...
It’s official: the British state pension at a maximum £110.15 a week is the most miserable in Europe. Compared to average income, even Hungary and Slovenia better the pension benefits 12.3m British pensioners receive, according to a new OECD report. British workers on average earnings typically get a state...
Dorset Eye is supporting and taking part in Live Below the Poverty Line a fundraising campaign which challenges people to live below the poverty line for 5 days. Could you live off just £1 a day for food for 5 days? The challenge is tough but gives participants a unique glimpse...

A tribute to Bob Crow

On Tuesday we learnt of the sad loss of Bob Crow. Trade unionist and socialist. Our own working class hero. A man who fought tooth and nail for his members rights, putting himself in the firing line of politicians, business leaders and the press. The Trade union movement has lost...
There comes a point when words must and should fail. The super rich elite are now operating within the paradigm of such ignorance and arrogance that the reaction of abject anger; disbelief; 'tell us something we don't know'; 'what's the problem' OR arguably the worst 'what do you expect us to do about it?' seems to...
With all the nonsense being spewed by the mainstream media about immigration I considered and actively pursued the strange event of publishing some facts. I appreciate that for some of you reality is a bit scary and boring but living a lie does not make a great epitaph. Even The...
Badger Cull:  overview from Ama Menec Chair of TBVAC Devon wide badger vaccination With these notes I have attempted to give a thorough overview of the two most recent badger culls, what was behind them, who were responsible and why, what its impact, (or lack of), on bTB in...
Today, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were found guilty of brutally murdering British soldier Lee Rigby, an act they claimed was revenge for the killing of Muslims by British and American forces around the world. Now, we must unite to ensure that their mission is not used to justify more...
It seems government ministers are desperately trying to cover up a huge error they have made which has resulted in military personnel being denied hundreds of thousands of pounds in pension payments. In 2010, the coalition government announced it would be making thousands of military personnel redundant in an effort to...

Mandela the Revulutionary

"Mandela may or may not be forgotten, but he will certainly be distorted, starting now." As I write, the obituary portraits are being updated and given the requisite spin. For official politics it will be Saint Mandela, the liberal hero. For the hard right it will be Mandela the...