18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Britainis a very strange country. For a nation which boasts in the chorus of the famous song 'Rule Britannia', 'Britons never, never, never shall be slaves', we seem strangely immoveable when it comes to dealing with so much that does, in fact, enslave us. What our government is doing...
Previously unseen records have disclosed the true scale of Britain’s involvement in slave trade, revealing how wealthiest families, including those of the British Prime Minister David Cameron, reaped the benefits of the disgraceful practice. According to a study by Dr Nick Draper who has examined 46,000 compensation papers in...
A few months ago, Labour voted with Tory rebels to pass a motion demanding a cut in Britain’s contribution to the EU budget, after David Cameron had indicated that he’d love to achieve a cut but would accept a freeze. The move drew criticism from some commentators (and naturally from ministers...
The Work and Pensions Secretary has welcomed a fall in unemployment, which now stands at 362,000 in the capital and 2.5 million across the UK. It means the number of people claiming jobseeker's allowance has fallen to a near two-year low. But during an explosive interview with LBC 97.3’s...

Flogging a dead horse

The scandal that started in the UK is now sweeping Europe – it’s that ready-made meals in British supermarkets labelled as beef have turned out to contain anything up to 100% horse meat. So consumers are paying for more expensive beef and being fed horse, with the added health...

Whose side are the press on?

In an era in which every single national newspaper is experiencing a decline in sales apart from one, the i (The Independent's little sister) should we be too concerned about their influence and agenda? Add in to that the data that shows that the readers of The Daily Telegraph, The...
Thank you for welcoming me to JP Morgan here in Bournemouth. When you think about where to give a speech on culture and ethics and the future of British banking, the offices of one of the world’s largest American investment banks may seem like an odd choice of venue....
“The Big 4 accountancy firms have been quizzed this morning by MPs, and have admitted to promoting tax dodging. The hypocrisy of this is staggering – the government has given hundreds of millions of pounds to the Big 4 accountancy firms in public sector contracts, and has allowed these...
My name is Lauren Layfield, I work on The One Show at the BBC. I wonder if you can help me? We’re desperately after families, single mums or single people who are going to be affected by the bedroom tax. I wondered if you knew of anyone...
The Kabul Bank has been held up as a shining example of a successful, western institution transplanted to the war-torn country. On the evidence we have seen over the last few days this is absolutely true. By all accounts, Afghanistan’s banks and government are run by crooks, loons and...