18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Badger Cull:  overview from Ama Menec Chair of TBVAC Devon wide badger vaccination With these notes I have attempted to give a thorough overview of the two most recent badger culls, what was behind them, who were responsible and why, what its impact, (or lack of), on bTB in...
No matter what your opinions of Trump or Clinton one thing is a fact. The one with the most votes lost and the one with the least votes won. Electoral college or not this is US democracy for you. The one that they spend hundreds of billions of dollars...
At times it does indeed feel like living in some kind of twisted Twilight Zone. We seem to ridicule and discredit those who want peace, compassion and political not fatal solutions to disputes. All conflict ends in a political solution, afterall. One of the only people speaking ANY sense...


Who said it won't happen here? Who said it can't happen here? Who knows it WILL happen here? On 1st August, the European Dictatorship Parliament voted through legislation which now makes it perfectly legal for all and any savings to be robbed from ANY account as and when the banks feel like...
Dorset Eye considers that democracy is not well served by media bias. It is is even less well served by politicians from a partisan political position then deciding upon the content of a daily newspaper. It then becomes ludicrous when that same politician already has constituents and is a...
No More.... One way or another this psychopathic/sociopathic government and their supporters must do one. Death after death; misery after misery; lie after lie. No more... Douglas James
With all the nonsense being spewed by the mainstream media about immigration I considered and actively pursued the strange event of publishing some facts. I appreciate that for some of you reality is a bit scary and boring but living a lie does not make a great epitaph. Even The...
Poor information Media controllers agenda - Echo supporting Tory Party Voting Tory or New Labour
Americans have been writing to the Queen, asking if she'll take USA back, saving them from Trump/Hillary. A reply:-
Man caught on camera shouting at Muslim to 'go home'...despite him being born in Bristol. ‘Racist’ filmed in supermarket telling Muslim from Bristol to go back to where he’s fromAn elderly man has been caught on camera shouting at a Muslim to "go home" – despite him being born...