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Sunday, October 6, 2024

I am not a democracy

On March 17th 2012 I chose to enter the political 'arena' in a pro-active way by writing 'a letter a day to number 10'. It was a personal decision because I had passed the tipping point in what I could stomach from a government which continues to have a...
The full 21 minutes of Jeremy Corbyn's and the 9 minutes of John McDonnell's speech at the People's Assembly Anti Austerity March in London on 1st July 2017. Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Douglas James
The bible is a remarkable book, it has influenced and shaped world history for nearly 2000 years. It is an apocryphal tale which many believe is literally the word of God, yet even if taken literally, those who do so interpret it wildly to suit any agenda they wish...

Another Tory is Born

A 15 second clip of a Tory being born has come in to my possession. Not one to hoard I am sharing with my friends. Although not suitable for young children it will explain a lot to many an adult. Douglas James
Democracy dies every day in this country and today it cost the tax payer 1.5 billion pounds to get a list of policies that few want in a document that is flimsy at best but will dictate the political agenda in theory for the next couple of years. If...
Since 2010 we have witnessed and experienced seven long years of bitter Conservative betrayals, from David Cameron's pledge that there would be no top down reorganisation of the NHS to the horrific fire in Grenfell Tower which follows the Conservatives voting down in 2016 a Labour amendment to the...
Whilst the right wing media still has daily fits over the rise of Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, the Conservatives fall ever further into the abyss where they rightly belong.At 66 years of age I remember the post war era, of moving from an ageing prefab to a brand new...
This is an incredible time to be living in, but what's truly extraordinary is that there is nothing new here, nothing that hasn't been going on for time immemorial. As the Band, Show of Hands, sang of 'Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed', the attitude of the ruling classes against ordinary...
Since the days of Margaret Thatcher what has become abundantly clear is that at the very heart of neoliberalism, the financial markets, the 'free market' ideology and right wing ideologues like the Tories, they know the price of everything and the value of nothing. The cause of the Grenfell...

What is government for?

Government should be there to manage things for the common good of the people, be it law, infrastructure and public provision or the economic well being of the nation as a whole. Government, in essence, is about managing the collective needs of society as a whole, so that we...