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Politics - Dorset North

You may think this is just satire. It is a lot more than that. It is empirically accurate. Here is the evidence of the Conservative and corporate media lies: https://dorseteye.com/the-conservatives-have-been-the-biggest-borrowers-over-the-last-70-years-2/ And locally every Dorset MP is a Tory and yet the county is awash with evidence of suffering and hardship: https://dorseteye.com/bournemouth-child-poverty-figures-reveal-tories-are-failing-most-vulnerable/ It...
The Autumn Statement comes at a pivotal time for policing.  For the first time, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services has intervened to deliver a stark warning about the strain police are under. Nationally, we have seen an increase in complex, investigatory work, an unprecedented...
The bible is a remarkable book, it has influenced and shaped world history for nearly 2000 years. It is an apocryphal tale which many believe is literally the word of God, yet even if taken literally, those who do so interpret it wildly to suit any agenda they wish...
West Dorset district councillors have agreed at Full Council today (23/10) to join forces with North Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council as part of a groundbreaking tri-council partnership. The partnership could save the three councils £6 million by 2020. Both North Dorset and Weymouth &...
The Liberal Democrat candidate for North Dorset, Hugo Mieville has joined a growing number of Liberal Democrats, by breaking ranks to call on David Cameron to use his European veto to protect the NHS from irreversible privatisation. On September 2014, the coalition government’s trade minister Lord Livingston confirmed that...
Across the 9 days leading up to polling day Dorset Eye will publish the answers to the questions set by local people for some of the local candidates standing in the 2015 General Election. Some candidates have yet to reply and should we receive their responses then they will...
For many this will not be that much of a surprise in hindsight, but for others this discussion is extremely revealing and in places jaw dropping. A Conservative councillor, who walked across the floor to the Green party, and a man who ran to become a Tory councillor explain their...
If you would prefer a fairer local democracy please sign: Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/ sajid-javid-secretary-of- state-for-communities-and- local-government-elect-the- new-authorities-for-dorset-by- a-fair-proportional-system? utm_medium=email&utm_source= petition_signer_receipt&utm_ campaign=triggered&share_ context=signature_receipt& recruiter=9785116 Simon Bull
If you don't watch any TV... for the rest of your lives just please ensure that you watch this. The best so far? Douglas James 
Jeremy Corbyn MP House of Commons London, SW1A 0AA 16 November 2017 Dear Jeremy Corbyn, Thank you for reading out the letter from the GAP lettings agency in Lincolnshire in PMQs about the pre-emptive warning to tenants of coming evictions under Universal Credit. It is inevitable that many hundreds, more likely thousands, of evictions will occur...