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Monday, July 1, 2024
David Cameron 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA 24 February 2013 Dear Mr Cameron, Progress report on your time in number 10 so far.   Lord Freud, DWP and Atos, work capability assessment: 10,000 deaths before, during or after testing with nearly half of all appeals being upheld...

Dear Jeremy

''Dear Jeremy, I appreciate that you are extremely busy and I do hope that you eventually find the time to read this. My name is Edward and the first time that you ever came into my sphere was around 2 years ago, when you gave your pre-leadership election speech...
The Daily Mail’s stomach-churning attack on Ed Miliband’s father - and him by association - is a warning. The British right are preparing one of the most poisonous, vicious all-out wars against the left in post-war Britain. If this is how far into the gutter this wretched “newspaper” is...

The Blame Game

The Government are playing a game. They don’t serve the needs of the pubic. They serve a wealthy elite. The Coalition don’t care about the consequences of taking money from the poorest and giving it to the wealthiest. But they won’t tell us that. They are playing the game...
I'm writing this quickly because I wanted you to hear it as soon as possible. George Osborne has just announced that he's TOTALLY SCRAPPING PLANS TO CUT TAX CREDITS! Osborne is still making other announcements about his spending plans. There may well be stings in the tail, and we'll need to...
Now we know why they are stalling for time:  This gets more astonishing the MORE you watch it And they are aiming to form the next government. They are so inept they might just do it. Douglas James
On Tuesday 25th September I received a letter from the Chairman of the Conservatives expelling me from the Party.    I believe that this is an extreme and disproportionate measure which illustrates an increasing level of intolerance within the Party particularly on the issue of Brexit.    It is no secret that I disagree...
 The Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP  Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
 2 Marsham Street

 Dear Mr Javid, 
 Dorset Local Government Reform 

 We write to express our concern at the delay in the announcement of your view of 
the plan to...

Slave nation

Workfare SanctionsJobcentres - Britain's secret penal systemZero hours contractsCuts to workplace protectionsCuts to legal aidGig economyGetting rid of safety 'red tape'Scrapping social housingScrapping housing benefit for young peopleFood banksChild povertyExtreme inequalityThe 'free' market economyGovernment attacks on disabled peopleThe intention to scrap the Human Rights ActGrenfell - murderWar on the...
Dear All With reference to The Guardian on-line (https://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/15/dwp-law-change-jobseekers-poundland). I wish to it be understood that should the Labour Party support the government in the pursuit of emergency legislation to deny repayments that the English Courts have ruled were illegally with-held, then I will resign from the Labour Party....