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Monday, July 1, 2024
Lies , damn lies and manifestos? Let's not be unkind. To hold to account or an insomniac's dream (pun) here they are. Of course any coalition or pacts would complicate them significantly. Labour Party  Green Party Conservative Party Liberal Democrats UKIP
1. Introduced unpaid, unlimited workfare for those deemed too sick or disabled to work by their doctor. 2. Scrapped crisis loans and community care grants for the most vulnerable. 3. Severely reduced Legal Aid so that equal, fair access to justice is no longer preserved. 4. Increased VAT ensuring...
We can spend months detailing why the Tories are incompetent, malicious secretions from a rapid dog's rectum and then find that they have saved us the bother. Douglas James
Help get this song into the Christmas charts! All download proceeds up to Christmas will be split between Foodbanks and the People's Assembly. Download links: I-Tunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id13183... Apple Music : https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1318... Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sons-Daughte... Bandcamp: https://captainska.bandcamp.com/track... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1fCv0u...  https://www.Twitter.com/CaptainSKA https://www.CaptainSKA.com
The current situation in Syria is blood curdling. Daily we are bombarded with barbaric images of men,women and children gasping for breath. Innocent families are forced to abandon their livelihoods and homes. Entire towns are being destroyed; quite literally in the blink of an eye. We know the West...
The South West MEP and European Conservative Leader Ashley Fox has welcomed a deal reached to remove women’s sanitary products from VAT. The issue was first raised in March last year by Mr Fox who questioned why the EU Commission had not zero-rated the products (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2015-005214+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=en). Mr Fox said, “These...
This is an incredible time to be living in, but what's truly extraordinary is that there is nothing new here, nothing that hasn't been going on for time immemorial. As the Band, Show of Hands, sang of 'Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed', the attitude of the ruling classes against ordinary...
It's happened. Thomas Barlow of Real Media has done a brilliant two part interview in studio, on Labour, Brexit, UK Snap Elections and more, with the Real News in studio at our Baltimore office.  Hopefully this marks only the beginning of increasing collaboration within the independent media community. Do watch the interviews and...
He holds his regular surgeries for his 'flock' , presses the flesh, smiles and grins at photoshoots and gives the impression of holding a genuine interest in North Dorset snd it's constituents. Look a little deeper at the contempt behind the smiles and you may see the real agenda. How does the...
Dear Keir, We, the undersigned, strongly oppose your recent repositioning of the Labour Party’s stance on the issue of the Kashmir conflict. This repositioning goes against fundamental values core to the integrity of the party and severely undermines the trust of voters and members who support and champion these values. While...