He holds his regular surgeries for his ‘flock’ , presses the flesh, smiles and grins at photoshoots and gives the impression of holding a genuine interest in North Dorset snd it’s constituents.
Look a little deeper at the contempt behind the smiles and you may see the real agenda.
How does the abolition of private property and of dilution of assets sound? Perhaps forced migration of peoples from rural to urban areas? The transfer of wealth from the 99% to the 1%?
This can’t be you say!
Have a look at the BGIPU and just see who is the Chairman. None other than the North Dorset MP. The British Group Inter Parlianmentary Union is a very nasty outfit subversively oiling the wheels to put even more powers in to the fist of corrupt Brussels. Our MP has doubts about Europe, I don’t think so. Look at the BGIPU website or even Mr. Walter’s own, he makes no secret of it BUT nowhere will you see mentioned Agenda 21. Why?
Agenda 21 and it’s consequencies to our way of life are so frightening they dare not be mentioned to the public, anywhere. I won’t go in to the details but it is scary, very scary.
Best advice is, check out Agenda 21 on your search engine, on youtube, anywhere. Get the facts before Mr. Walter and his cabal, behind your backs and using poltical newspeak get their way.
Working for the people of North Dorset? Think again and fast.
James Pulleine
Dorset Eye has added some information from both sides of the debate:
Transition Towns: Agenda 21 Comes to Life – For
Agenda 21 on You Tube – Against
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