Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been shortlisted for the CHKS Top Hospitals programme quality of care award 2013. The CHKS Top Hospitals awardscelebrate the success of healthcare providers across the UK and are given to acute organisations for their achievements in healthcare quality and improvement.
CHKS has used over 20 years of experience in the analysis of hospital data to set the indicators on which each of the Top Hospitals programme awards are judged.Awards are made on the basis of an analysis of publicly available datasets and every NHS acute trust is included.
The quality of care award isgiven for excellence in high quality care to patients, appropriate to their diagnosis. It is based on a number of criteria including the length of time patients stay in hospital, the rate of emergency re-admissions and whether the care pathway proceeded as it was originally intended.
Jason Harries, managing director, CHKS said: “Every hospital is accountable to its patients, their families and carers as well as the local community to provide a safe environment. Our quality of care award highlights those trusts that clearly share a commitment to driving improvement and engendering a culture of excellence throughout their organisations and it is a credit to the staff at Dorset County Hospital that it has been shortlisted in this area.”
The CHKS Top Hospitals programme awards takes place at theMiddle Temple HallLondon on 30thApril 2013 and will be attended by over 200 guests includingleaders from across the healthcare sector, from the Department of Health, Royal Colleges, and acute trusts.
CHKS Ltd, part of Capita plc, is a provider ofhealthcare intelligence and quality improvement services to the NHS and independenthealthcare sector.With over 20 years’ experience and having worked with over 300 clients, CHKS has a portfolio of information products, internationally-recognised accreditation programmes and consultancy services which provide clinicians and managers with the information needed to drive improvements inpatient care, financial efficiency, clinical effectiveness and quality.The shortlisted organisations were:
The CHKS quality of care award is a national award for outstanding performance in for excellence in high quality care to patients, appropriate to their diagnosis. It is based on 12 criteria, including the length of stay in hospital and the rate of emergency re-admissions.
The indicators for 2013 include:
· Day case conversion to inpatient rate (versus national rates, case mix adjusted per British Association of Day Surgery)
· Patient reported outcomes score (across four procedures, per EQ5D)
· Rate of emergency readmission to hospital (over 16 years; within 28 days)
· Percentage of elective admissions where planned procedure not carried out (not patient decision)
· Summary Hospital-level Mortality Index (SHMI)
· Risk adjusted length of stay
· Risk adjusted mortality index (RAMI)
· Percentage of patients over 65 years with fractured neck of femur with pre-op length of stay less than or equal to two days
· Cancer patients seen within two weeks – all suspected cancers
· Discharge to usual place of residence within 56 days of emergency admission for patients with stroke
· Discharge to usual place of residence within 28 days of emergency admission for patients with a hip fracture (fractured neck of femur; aged 65 years and over)
· Admitted patients’ waiting time from point of referral to treatment.
Susie Palmer