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Monday, July 1, 2024
Since 2010 we have witnessed and experienced seven long years of bitter Conservative betrayals, from David Cameron's pledge that there would be no top down reorganisation of the NHS to the horrific fire in Grenfell Tower which follows the Conservatives voting down in 2016 a Labour amendment to the...
Firstly I’d like to start with an admission; I’m not a fan of the EU. I believe the European Parliament & council are overly self-obsessed & a bureaucracy nightmare. However so is Westminster and I’m not an advocate for abandoning London & central government for local/regional rule. What I...
The Dorset County Council elections on Thursday 2nd May once more reveal distortions arising from the use of the current First Past The Post system. It took an average of 815 votes to elect each Conservative Councillor, 1,936 to elect each Liberal Democrat, 3,015 for each Labour and a massive...
On 26th May the BBC reported - "Call to raise retirement age to at least 70" - and the first sentence of the article read, 'The retirement age should rise to at least 70 in rich countries by 2050 as life expectancy rises above 100, according to a new...
The Labour Party will formally launch its 100 point manifesto for the forthcoming elections to the new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council on Saturday 23 March. The launch will see the party fielding candidates on 2 May in every one of the 76 wards - something which has not been...
Mumsnet thinks he’s the one. A ‘salty sea-dog’ sort of sexy, oozing beardy charisma in his beige and various shades of pastel. They’d love to share a cup of tea and a biscuit with him, pretend to listen to his ideas on progressive socialism, while dreamily gazing into those...
1) Representative Democracy is not really democracy A system whereby small numbers of people, in our case MPs, govern many millions of others, is not  democratic. The extent of our self-government is a mere cross in a box every four or five years. Sometimes as many people do not...
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has lashed out at the media over what he says are its “failings” in reporting on his party’s actions and its “obsession” with asking him about quitting his role. The Islington North MP also said it was the media’s “responsibility to make sure the opposition...