13.9 C
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Following her Saudi Arabian trade junket, Theresa May, as the Independent put it, 'staunchly defended selling arms to Saudi Arabia despite the country facing accusations of war crimes, insisting close ties "keep people on the streets of Britain safe".' Britain is the second biggest arms dealer in the...
We've factchecked five claims from the Liberal Democrat manifesto. Liberal Democrat Manifesto: Grammar schools “The Conservatives want to take us back 50 years, to an outdated system of grammar schools and secondary moderns, ignoring all the research and expert advice that show it will damage the life chances of...
We've factchecked five claims from the UKIP manifesto.  UKIP Manifesto: EU budget contributions “The EU will also have to plug a huge financial hole of some 12 per cent of the gross EU budget when Britain leaves.” UKIP 2017 manifesto While there are different ways of calculating a country’s share...
Every Dorset MP is Conservative; male; white; middle class and middle aged. Do they represent you? What do you believe? Your lifestyle? Your bank balance?  Or are there others who are much closer to your life experience and much more empathetic to your experiences and are much more motivated...

Can you feel it?

We are much more complex creatures than we give ourselves credit for and certainly more than those who mis-govern us give us credit for. If you've paid any attention to the government over the last seven years you'll doubtless have learnt that our only worth is in whether we...
On Saturday night at Prenton Park, Tranmere, Jeremy Corbyn spoke to tens of thousands of people at at concert by The Libertines, Reverend & The Makers and The Coral. What happened is a very special moment that should be savoured.
This week in therapy I said, 'I dream of living in a small cottage where I can walk outside and feel the grass under my bare feet.' For me that is a dream of liberation, of peace and contentment.  As I sat here writing this, I was suddenly...
If you don't watch any TV... for the rest of your lives just please ensure that you watch this. The best so far? Douglas James 

Vote, Vote, Vote

I’d like to invite any readers who aren’t yet registered to vote to register before May 22nd and to use their vote in the forthcoming General Election. You can register on-line in minutes at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-voteAll you need is your National Insurance number or alternatively you can register by phoning Electoral...
It's election time again and the cynics, trolls, shills and no hope doom sayers are out in force to drain every vestige of energy out of life and hope: less of a storm rolling in as just a massive, energy draining, dump.Let's start with trolls, shits in wolfs clothing,...