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Sunday, October 6, 2024
Ever since 1982 I have campaigned for political reforms, which would hopefully make politics fairer and more constructive. Changing the voting system has always seemed to me to be the best single reform. The trouble is that most campaigners have had strong party allegiance. People who support a party...
This election is going to be one of, if not the hardest elections the left has ever fought. The ruling elites don't like Corbyn, the monied elites don't like Corbyn, the main stream media almost all don't like Corbyn, the BBC, meant to be the nations impartial broadcaster, doesn't...

Dear Jeremy

''Dear Jeremy, I appreciate that you are extremely busy and I do hope that you eventually find the time to read this. My name is Edward and the first time that you ever came into my sphere was around 2 years ago, when you gave your pre-leadership election speech...
How MSM responded: Adam Bienkov political editor of UK Business Insider said on Twitter: “In Harrow where Theresa May is meeting voters. And by voters I mean 50 or so Tory candidates in a hall on the edge of an industrial estate.” Sky News political reporter Beth Rigby said...
Dear Madam/Sir West Dorset has just elected 6 Conservative County Councillors and 5 Liberal Democrat ones. This shows that the constituency is fairly evenly divided between these two parties. When you add up the votes cast on Thursday’s election and contrast the number of votes cast for the Tories...
Readers might be somewhat put off by a silly, perhaps frivolous, attempt to portray the Labour and Tory leaders as characters from a movie, but the truth is that we've gone a very long way beyond that, so please bear with me. For over a week now I have...

Helping Labour Win

If you feel unsure about how you can best help Labour win the election, join one of Labour's helpful online training sessions - 'Playing Your Part in The General Election' - full of top tips, how-tos and a step by step guide of what to expect between now and...

Schrödinger’s box

In this remarkable box is, as far as I know at this moment in time, nothing. The space inside it will only become filled on June 8/9th 2017. I could be wrong and what may be in the box is an infinite number of ever changing possibilities. It...
South East Dorset Greens Snap to It Following news of Theresa May’s snap general election, the South East Dorset Green Party is pleased to announce its candidates across the region. The party made a Dorset-first during the 2015 general elections as they announced a full slate of Green Party...
It's happened. Thomas Barlow of Real Media has done a brilliant two part interview in studio, on Labour, Brexit, UK Snap Elections and more, with the Real News in studio at our Baltimore office.  Hopefully this marks only the beginning of increasing collaboration within the independent media community. Do watch the interviews and...