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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Safe in Tory Hands?

In 2011 approximately 160 adults with a severe learning disability and challenging behaviour were transferred from long stay hospital units and moved into their own homes. The private sector stepped in to provide care for these people in their own homes and staff were personally matched and TUPE transferred...
On the 17st- 21st March 2014 I participated in a trip that took me to the wonderful city of Brussels. However this was not your average family trip- in fact there was no sight of my family at all. I travelled with 30 other students from Bournemouth University, all...


Question..... What is the difference between North Dorset District Council and Dick Turpin? Answer.... Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask. Here we go again for 2014 with yet another round of Coucil Tax increases. It appears that Deborah Croney and her crew on the ship of...
Tony Benn said: “Nobody can extend their own life by more than a minute, on the other hand if you study history you extend your experience by thousands of years.” He was passionate about learning the lessons of history. No more so than the story of the Tolpuddle Martyrs....

UKIP Shipping Forecast

At the risk of upsetting people this is simply too good not to publish. Thanks to Mark Vine for bringing it to our attention. UKIP Shipping Forecast
Well, what a busy few months it has been for me and, to be honest for once, it's getting harder and harder. I have been your MP for many years, and some of you idiot peasants still have some faith in me, enough to put me back in my cosy...
Conor Burns, Christopher Chope, Richard Drax, Tobias Ellwood, Oliver Letwin, Robert Syms and Robert Walter all voted not to accept EU assistance in helping the hungry this Christmas. Are they all cunts or do they have a perfectly reasonable explanation? Personally I hope the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future attend...
In another week when a politician takes a giant leap backwards in the human evolutionary chain and reminds us why they are so unfit for any kind of power, the contaminated icing on the turd must be yet again Boris Johnson. The Boris Johnson IQ Test Courtesy of Tom...
Another embarrassing display by our local MP's as they put the vulnerable at the bottom of their priorities. Lib Dem MP does not vote and Tories do what Tories do. Remember the Poll Tax? Irrespective of income - we should all pay. Little consideration regarding whether a person can pay....

Women in Democracy

Parliament Week is a national programme of events and activities designed to inspire, engage and connect people with parliamentary democracy. To mark the start of Parliament Week on Friday, in the smart surroundings of the Executive Business Centre, BU's Politics Society hosted 'Women in Democracy'.  An event to celebrate women's...