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Saturday, October 5, 2024
Commenting on the mis-selling of LOBO loans, described by derivatives expert Abhishek Sachdev as a "lose-lose bet for councils" Rob Whiteman - CEO of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy told Andrew Hosken for the BBC World Tonight, councils should now be considering legal action against the banks (from 43"00). Commenting...
If you ever have reason to remind people what Labour's policy is regarding the single market then this should do it. Douglas James
Help get this song into the Christmas charts! All download proceeds up to Christmas will be split between Foodbanks and the People's Assembly. Download links: I-Tunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id13183... Apple Music : https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1318... Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sons-Daughte... Bandcamp: https://captainska.bandcamp.com/track... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1fCv0u...  https://www.Twitter.com/CaptainSKA https://www.CaptainSKA.com
The world is being driven off a cliff, politically and economically, it is astonishing and bewildering how far off the beaten track of common sense and reason we are being driven by people without a shred of humanity and who are corrupt to the bone. But what is also astonishing,...
Have not a clue who 'Other' is but given the list below it, it is either less or more nihilistic and narcissistic. The problem with Tory members is that the undertaker is beckoning frantically so their state of mind could be frantic. Douglas James
If you would prefer a fairer local democracy please sign: Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/ sajid-javid-secretary-of- state-for-communities-and- local-government-elect-the- new-authorities-for-dorset-by- a-fair-proportional-system? utm_medium=email&utm_source= petition_signer_receipt&utm_ campaign=triggered&share_ context=signature_receipt& recruiter=9785116 Simon Bull
If ever there was a classic example of them against us it is this visit by the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to a Bristol hospital. Very few of the staff were made aware of the visit yet the Trust spun it in very positive terms on social media. However,...
Bus service prices again on the up! Community services closing and not being replaced! Private companies servicing shareholders over local people! Solution: Bringing a service into public ownership can be daunting, but once it's done, the results can be amazing. We’ve put together a bunch of resources to encourage councils...

TUC: Another Missed Opportunity

TUC South West Regional Secretary, Nigel Costley said: “All public sector workers have had seven long years of real pay cuts. Today, the Chancellor is once again, skirting around the issue, cherry-picking some sectors and leaving others out in the cold.” “Public services are a team. It’s good to...
The Autumn Statement comes at a pivotal time for policing.  For the first time, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services has intervened to deliver a stark warning about the strain police are under. Nationally, we have seen an increase in complex, investigatory work, an unprecedented...