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Monday, September 16, 2024

Intentionally out of touch?

Prime Minister, Sir Peter Bottomley has ticked off 38 Degrees, who encourage constituents to email their MP's en masse over certain issues, claiming that the move is "counter-productive," "disrupts" MP's work and "irritates" them. Oh, really?  Why is Bottomley bothering to be an MP, if not to interact with the people...

Raging Bull

Prime Minister I think it's safe to say that your Party is never going to understand real people, or relate in any way to our views or sensibilities. Aidan Burley, MP for Cannock Chase, who - if you were to have honoured your promise to the electorate would quite...
Comedy legend Spike Milligan famously had the last laugh with the epitaph on his gravestone reading, 'I told you I was ill'. Yet there is more to that tale. His epitaph proved controversial enough that to be approved by Chichester Diocese it had to written in Gaelic and it...

Over my dead body

Prime Minister A goodly bunch of links today showing just about all that is wrong with you and your government. What should the British public make of an individual, who leads the country at THEIR discretion and who chooses to ignore a Parliamentary majority?  Had you wished to challenge this debate's...

Lies, lies, lies

Prime Minister. So Osborne reckons that he's going to buy your Party a shedload of votes in 2015 by raising the minimum wage so that it regains its 2011 value does he?  Is his goal in life to eventually make sure that every one of the seven billion people...


Prime Minister   https://uk.news.yahoo.com/cameron-suppresses-report-showing-immigration-good-uk-103517696.html https://dangersoffracking.com/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tory-mp-judge-parents-split-110040230.html   I see there's a report that shows the opposite of what your party is claiming about immigration, that you have suppressed because it doesn't fit with the policy that you are trying to enfoce. I notice, also, that the blame for its...
Prime Minister It seems, lately, that the list of links of people criticising and even ridiculing you, your out of date and out of touch Party and your government grows longer each time I set fingers to keyboard.  I don't have to hunt for them any more - they are...

Letter to David Cameron

Dear Prime Minister  https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/labour-slam-39-botched-privatisation-39-012043324.htmlhttps://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/britain-does-battle-over-welfare-state-093148042.html  So, your Business Secretary has cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds by his disgracefully undervalued sale of the Royal Mail.  Yet we do not hear you demanding his resignation and nor - to his everlasting shame - do we hear him offering it...
To: Prime Minister ; DWP Ministers ; [email protected] Cc: Ed Miliband ; Ed Balls ; [email protected]  Dear Prime Minister As you may know, in all the government films, 'Good' always triumphs in the end, and so it will be at the 2015 election.  I have already outlined to you,...
Today, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were found guilty of brutally murdering British soldier Lee Rigby, an act they claimed was revenge for the killing of Muslims by British and American forces around the world. Now, we must unite to ensure that their mission is not used to justify more...