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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Dorset North Speak Out! - Dorset North

Speak Out! - Dorset North

Britain’s heart is broken

How do I know that Britain's heart is broken? I know it because I am living it and living with the grief of it moment by moment. I know it because my own heart is broken. I know it because I see who and what broke it. I've seen...

Wake up white men!

Trump is only majority popular with white men. Over here, Corbyn is majority popular with everyone else but white men. I am a man. I cannot be more embarrassed and ashamed of my fellow white men for being Grade-A pricks. Get a grip white men!!! It's YOU stopping society changing for the...

Ruddy hell!

Two politicians, May & Rudd, went on a mission in cold blood. Deported british OAPs and didn’t care less. Threw away their files, their keys, their jobs, their N.H.S. May and her sidekick should slink away elsewhere And if they don't like it - appeal from there!
So I was talking to an old Greek guy and his wife yesterday, and she said I hear you have a big problem with fascists in London! I didn't even talk about politics, I'm on holiday, and I had no idea about the fascists out in force protesting to...
Glad to see that the spirit of 'Plucky little Brexit-land' is not dead. Such cheap nationalism is always a joy - especially when Mrs Fatty Patel is telling the sheep that cannot leave these islands for a holiday - or if they do, they will be forced to stay...
Public sector workers… the great problem for our Thatcherite Tories. What to do with them? When the pandemic was raging (due to Boris’ incompetence) and there were a thousand deaths each day, the government needed the nurses, doctors and NHS staff. Today, however, Boris and the Tories have decreed...
In How Democracy Ends, David Runciman cautions against the expectation that democracies will end in the future in the way that they have ended in the past. Our pictures of the death of democracy, he says, are pictures of military coups and dictators, of the collapse of short-lived, fragile institutions....
I Don't See A New Labour Leader As A Saviour! I'm More Interested In Other Potential Saviours? Whoever is Labour leader will be destroyed by the media. If it's Starmer, he'll be called 'the architect of Labour's disastrous Remoaner position', a 'Blairite' (and everyone hates Blair) and 'the man who let...
Basically we lost the Euros because of the Tories. It's not coming home until you learn some f****** manners. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/

35,740,800 minutes

I have passed 35,740,800. Thankfully the clock is still ticking, but I am now 68 (in years), but over 35 million minutes old. To be honest, functioning for that many minutes means I am now pretty creaky in most of my body parts and I have definitely slowed down a...