Have you seen the alternative media? Amazing, Within 24 hours the Mount Pleasant Sorting Office was overloaded with Camoron’s Propaganda en route to No.10. Coming in by the van load!

Strangely, the MSM is so quiet on this, I wonder why?

Spoke to my postie today, he too had heard the news and was overjoyed.  Royal Mail have given all posties a deadline of 72 hours to get this dross you all paid for, delivered throughout the UK.

Everyone he spoke to and knows wants OUT!!!!!!!!

Keep sending these lies and bullshit back as fast as you can, let Dodgy Dave know exactly what you think of him, his criminal Govt..

Torture the data enough and it will confess to anything!

Christine LeGarde from the IMF, CURRENTLY ON TRIAL FOR FRAUD (Ms Lagarde was cleared last year of any direct role in the alleged fraud but she was formally accused of negligence for failing to prevent the deal going ahead’ Editor)) says we will suffer if we leave. That’s rich coming from her!

Oh dear Dorset MPs and MEPs, why are you so strangely quiet?

Is the writing on the wall for your little gravy train?



10 Downing Street


A very happy James Pulleine!

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