18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
I am always interested to see individual people with hugely diverse talents and fields of expertise. Take Brian May for example, a extremely talented musician, badger protector and also with a PhD Honours in Astronomy and the Cosmos. Now we have our Police and Crime Commisioner with implied expertise in Cybercrime...
I have never had an online rant before but I need to do this. I am sick to death of the way Jeremy Corbyn has been depicted as a disastrous leader, a loser, and worse, an anti-semite. Because it's a travesty. Corbyn was elected as Labour leader twice by...
Oh dear he really should have kept his toes out of the water much like many other careerist Labour... MP's. And then again: To be fair he does have his good days: https://dorseteye.com/chris-bryant-to-dan-wootton/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
What more needs to be said? Anyone who is awake and does not have sociopathic tendencies knows that this ex right wing journalist and this centrist politician have exposed what is real. Neither would describe themselves as 'radical left' but both speak with same intelligence and clarity that the...

The meaning of life

You might think that 67 is a bit late to discover that pretty much all I've thought about society and the way it's organised is not only wrong, but terribly wrong, in fact, life threateningly wrong.   It is likely that without the Tories I would never have made this discovery,...
So many believe the right wing propaganda. So many are turkeys voting for Christmas. As James O'Brien points out the race to the bottom may be what some want for themselves but inflicting it on others is hardly fair. A quick reminder of what unions have done for us when...
If this makes no sense check these out first: https://dorseteye.com/who-decides-the-audience-on-question-time-answer-a-britain-first-supporter/ https://dorseteye.com/let-the-question-time-satire-begin/ https://dorseteye.com/sat-in-the-front-row-spouting-ignorant-nonsense-was-this-woman-another-question-time-plant/ KEEP US ALIVE and join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg AND SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2...
So let me see if I have got this right. We had a referendum on 23rd June, which was not legally binding, although there was an opportunity to make it so. We were presented with a binary question, to paraphrase, "in or out", without qualification, any discussion of the...
I don’t dislike adverts, I don’t detest them, I pathologically hate and despise them. Their effect on me is a whole body experience that is a challenge to self control. If you want to see this supposedly grown man seethe, consumed with rage, just add adverts. Every advert is dishonest,...
Stuart Murdoch is a Scottish musician, writer and filmmaker, and the lead singer and songwriter for the band Belle and Sebastian. Here he, like many intelligent and astute people, nails exactly what the Tories are about and questions how anyone still doesn't get it. “What an insult that we should be expected to eat...