12.6 C
Monday, May 20, 2024
Understanding Society is a world leading study of the socio-economic circumstances and attitudes of 100,000 individuals in 40,000 British households. Amongst its many findings it has concluded that unhealthy teenagers are much more likely to be less happy than their healthy counterparts. Read on... Teenagers who turn their backs on...
If you find that you are in a position of power but feel inadequate about something, you should point the finger at people who are not in a position of power and explain why these people are inadequate.This works for everything from what you might call 'bad spelling' or...
Oliver John Thompson, who recently returned from a 3 month volunteering placement in Tanzania with Raleigh International is now calling on other young people to take the plunge and consider volunteering overseas. Oliver, 21, worked in partnership with Tanzanian volunteers on a project run by sustainable development charity Raleigh...
The Bishop of Sherborne, Graham Kings was invited to Weymouth College on Thursday 7thFebruary as part of his busy schedule of events including a visit to The Front Skatepark and The Lantern Resource Centre. Graham met College Principal, Liz Myles for a chat, (sporting a Front Skatepark T-shirt!) before...
Children and young people are being sent hundreds of miles away from home for mental health treatment - with sometimes deadly consequences - despite a government pledge to end these placements by the end of last year. Two months ago, 20-year-old Lauren Bridges took her own life. She was alone...
Children under the age of 10 in the UK are being investigated over their links to far-right extremism, Sky News has found. Home Office figures show a dramatic rise in the number of under-18s referred to the government's counter-terrorism programme Channel over concerns about their possible involvement with the far-right.A...
Many of our clients present complex & challenging problems: mental health issues, substance misuse, emotional & behavioural issues which in turn impact on themselves, their family and society and sometimes they find themselves within the criminal justice system. The overall aim of the project is to help young people...
Weymouth SEA LIFE is celebrating World Penguin Day on Wednesday, April 25 by encouraging children to wear penguin fancy dress for £1 admission, which will be donated to the Sphenisco penguin charity. The park is an official member of the Sphenisco ‘Save the Humboldt Penguin’ campaign and is hosting a...
We are having 2 Young People's Assemblies next week, exclusively for people aged 16-25 years. We will focus discussions on the future and what can must / can change to make it better. join the Zoom meeting via this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85399694343 Dorset Peoples Assemblies on Climate Emergency Dorset Council declared a climate...

5 Year Old Nails Theresa May

This young lady and her parents have been vilified by some for telling the truth at an age when she should be 'seen and not heard'. Bollox. She is telling the Prime Minister to stop being cruel and heartless and to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She is...