13.5 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Of course one of the best parts of a flight is when the flight attendants come around with the snack and beverage cart, free soda, coffee, tea, maybe even cookies. As strange as it may sound, one thing that really annoys flight attendants is when passengers order Diet Coke....
The origin story of the breakfast behemoth, is actually a very adult one. The first cold cereal was introduced in 1863, when a religious conservative vegetarian and health spa (then called a “sanitarium”) proprietor named James Caleb Jackson created what he called “granula” made out of graham flour. The cereal was...
Crime is a social construction. It only occurs because humans create laws. Without laws there are no crimes. Therefore, the most obvious way to reduce crime is to reduce the number of laws we have. This is the simplest solution. The other way is to understand the reasons why people...
If you are playing away not only is it now morally out of order but from today it is also a criminal offence. Obviously it is not only adultery that has been criminalised but any sexual interaction between consenting adults who do not physically live together. Rosie Duffield did well...
Here is the Ipsos MORI data for 18-24 year olds' % voting intention over time: 2010: Lab 31, LD 30, Con 30, Other 9 2015: Lab 43, Con 27, Green 8, UKIP 8, LD 5, Other 9 2017: Lab 62, Con 27, LD 5, UKIP 2, Other 4 (@LeftieStats) This may give us a...
This sums up the Tories and Thatcher and the nature of political leadership in the UK. https://twitter.com/JohnSimpsonNews/status/1445315417245986818?s=20 For those who also believe the BBC is left wing here is one hour that should help to convince you otherwise permanently: https://www.youtube.com/embed/pa6j4DCj1_8 If you like our content please keep us going for as little as...

Who owns LBC radio?

Tax exiles and yet more tax avoiders.... https://twitter.com/Lashesxx/status/1212370607154880512?s=20
Up until 1982, there was a centenary British law that stated that women weren't allowed to be served in pubs on their own. They had to sit on a table and have their drinks ordered by a male companion. This only changed in November 1982, after lawyer Tess Gill...
MARTIN Lewis has revealed how getting organised when it comes to your car insurance could save you hundreds of pounds. Speaking on his weekly MoneySavingExpert ITV show, the finance guru urged drivers to take advantage of the so-called 21-day rule to save up to £500. Martin said: “The 21-day rule is...
We often associate Bill Clinton with presidential adultery. I’m starting to think he’s not even in the top 5. The answer is JFK—hands down. Kennedy was handsome and respected. He had a calm and confident manner and, of course, tremendous power. One could see how he wouldn’t have to work too hard...