15.3 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Just about sums up Wootton, Murdoch and much of the corporate media. Give some people a voice and they spew out their toxic entrails. https://twitter.com/RespectIsVital/status/1318335835943612416?s=20 This Dan Wootton: https://dorseteye.com/the-sun-corrects-error-after-dan-wootton-lies-about-crime-rates-in-london/ Penny Lane Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can:...
Stuart Murdoch is a Scottish musician, writer and filmmaker, and the lead singer and songwriter for the band Belle and Sebastian. Here he, like many intelligent and astute people, nails exactly what the Tories are about and questions how anyone still doesn't get it. “What an insult that we should be expected to eat...
To be fair given the monsters who have been elevated to the House of Lords today this is probably quite tame if we delve deep in to their words and deeds. However, just because she headed up the Brexit party and stood aside in multiple constituencies to let the...
Following a determined effort to have a number of venues U turn on their booking of hate merchant Katie Hopkins three venues have so far cancelled her shows on her upcoming tour. Weymouth, Bournemouth and Southampton have showed the decent way but others are still holding out including Blackpool...
As if there is still anyone in the nation who are compus mentis who actually believed that Boris Johnson would ever do anything the nation could call 'truth' especially camping on a slope on a hillside near a cliff edge. The Daily Mail may have some half witted rejectors...
This is incredibly disturbing footage. Sir Humphry Wakefield stands in his crypt, sipping red wine and discussing genetics. (By the way, his son-in-law Dominic Cummings has written lots about the “heritability” of intelligence and the future of eugenics.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWwxiiuIv_A All of those working and lower middle class people who support Dominic...

Rod the paedo has just stood up

Who is Rod Liddle? Rod Liddle is a British journalist, author, and broadcaster. He was born on April 1, 1960, in London, England. Liddle has worked for several prominent British newspapers and magazines, including The Guardian, The Independent, and The Sunday Times. He is known for his controversial and often...
A quick context setting: https://dorseteye.com/hitler-the-daily-mail-and-how-lord-rothermere-showed-he-has-learned-the-lessons-of-history/ Now to present day and the wonderfully insightful Mick Lynch with two pearlers: “You can call us what you want and no doubt you will call us what you want. And you called Mr Moseley one of the finest things that ever happened as I remember,...
Updated: Rachel Riley has just been awarded an MBE for "work combatting antisemitism". Here are a few examples of her tireless campaigning. In December 2019, Riley celebrated the re-election of Boris Johnson as PM: a notorious racist who wrote a book full of antisemitic tropes. A quick reminder of why it...
Ex Russian diplomat reveals all
Now that we know that the Tory Brexit was manufactured in the Kremlin... we need to ask ourselves 'what now?'. https://dorseteye.com/russia-report-now-we-know-why-the-brexit-tories-did-not-want-to-know-they-are-traitors/ What were the backhanders that were coughed up for the British establishment crooks who took the 12 pieces of silver? Why have they sold out the British... population who...