13.4 C
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Whatever one thinks of GMB and Piers Morgan one cannot deny that Michael Gove gives the impression of a slug trying to avoid a saucer of beer. At what point does he take responsibility for his government's ineptitude, untruths and nepotistic behaviour? Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST...
Summing it up as only a Liverpudlian can: https://twitter.com/shesdeadsoosan/status/1457342516697706501?s=20 Imagine when we do not have those who still fall blindly in line to an institution that has legitmated mass murder for centuries. When we right our speeches that do not seek to hide the terrible reality many experience. Imagine. https://dorseteye.com/the-other-queens-speech/ Penny Lane If you...
A question I never thought I would be forced to ask myself. What do I do if the government of the UK not only betrays me but is, in any meaningful sense, of no damned use to me, my life and well being, at all? In fact, quite the...
Tonight I am actually starting to question whether Starmer genuinely is a ‘plant’? I have always laughed at that theory up to this point. But there are so many huge, obvious mistakes and absurdly bad decisions, behaviour and actions, with no attempt to even understand why things have so...
Unlike this man' son Boris Johnson and co will never get it right. And talking of sh** and not giving a... https://dorseteye.com/if-one-is-going-to-use-the-term-common-sense/ Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The man who should read the news on across the corporate media; chair Question Time and present Newsnight. But that would mean the truth and we cannot have any of that now can we? Douglas James Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A...
"In a piece in the Sunday’s Sunday Times called “It’s A Sick Joke : US Comedians Are Fearless – And Funnier Than Ours”, Jeremy Clarkson selectively quotes a sentence from my 45-minute 2009 about him, in which I said I hoped Richard Hammond was blinded and decapitated in a...
If only we had a PR electoral System, as do Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland devolved Parliaments. The massive divisions in both the US and GB are down to the need to cobble together opposing views in the 2 parties that result from First Past the Post. The Tory party is...
The Harvard academic Bernie Steinberg reveals what many politically astute people have already recognised. A sinister use of the claim of antisemitism to silence legitimate debate. Those who scream 'we are entitled to our opinion' and 'free speech' are the worst offenders. He states that he now feels compelled to...
Sent to: Cabinet Office, HOC Enquiries, [email protected], Maria Miller MP Subject: Monkey see, monkey do Good afternoon. I see that corona hasn't taken long to become a new fear and control weapon in the hands of the bunch of total incompetents at the top of this country's useless government. Today we have HazMatt...