12.6 C
Monday, May 13, 2024
Our immune systems are better off with a smile than a frown. Let's spread the humour no matter how bad things might get. https://twitter.com/BigNigeNUFC/status/1238760871012323328?s=20 Warning: Naughty language https://dorseteye.com/who-gives-a-what-celebrities-think/ https://dorseteye.com/bill-hicks-what-are-you-reading-for-and-depressing-sh-on-the-news/ https://dorseteye.com/if-we-cannot-smile-at-and-with-young-people-then-all-hope-is-gone/ If you want to lighten the moment send yours to us vis our Facebook Group Messenger. Penny Lane
For the last 40 years or so the world has been subjected to an economic model that rips the heart out of humanity and turns everyone against each other. This model is known as neo liberalism. However, there is a new model in town which seeks to replace it...
Whether one voted to Leave or Stay is not the issue. The issue is how bad does it have to get before those who voted to leave admit that a new direction is required. For the very rich they don't care because they will always look after themselves but...
https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theschoolinthecloud/259128530 The School in the Cloud is a new documentary feature-film by director Jerry Rothwell which will revolutionise what you thought you knew about learning. Watch the first 5 minutes of this film and you will have learnt enough for one day. Class dismissed. But seriously, the opening scenes of this...
Toxic people are those whose presence and behaviour have a detrimental effect on others' mental, emotional, and sometimes even physical well-being. They exhibit patterns of behaviour that can be manipulative, draining, and damaging to the people around them. Understanding the traits and impact of toxic individuals is crucial to...
First the cat. And now the Parrott Well done if you got it! Want some help with the cat? Check out the bottom third! Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your...
Tracey West, has been an active, noisy patron of WAND, the Women’s Action Network Dorset, since 2011 and is frequently a media spokesperson on the plight of those affected by domestic abuse. In 2014, she chaired the multi-agency No Excuse for Abuse Conference, jointly funded and co–hosted by the Office of...
We all need to open our minds. Fear can be very persuasive. The corporate media omnipotence can be very persuasive. But what about the real data and the real evidence? Not the hand picked de contextualised outcomes but the picture in its entirety? The government... may be telling us the...
People are great aren’t they. Alright some are a pain in the bottom. The selfish moaning types who care little for others. But these folks bring a smile and no little intelligence.
A final version of the Loders Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the district council for examination and a referendum was held on whether to accept or reject the plan on 5 May 2016. Residents of Loders voted overwhelmingly to accept the plan, with 83 per cent of votes cast...