10.6 C
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Charborough House, Charborough Park, Wareham, Dorset BH20 7EN The CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) is comprised of 12 member states in the Caribbean region. It is calling for reparations for genocide and for the enslavement of African people by former colonising powers. It also addresses this call to those who have...
From Dorset to Oxfordshire to London to Bristol and beyond the campaign is spreading to change the school curriculum and to dump the colonisation of it by a parochial and de contextualised curriculum. As part of this a student has launched a petition calling for all schools in the UK...
Seems backwards racist attitudes are prevalent even in gentle Facebook groups. The comments were embarrassing and nostalgic for the good old racist days when the BNP were on the rise and the Black and White Minstrels show was on TV. I haven’t hidden names as they posted in a public...
Nabil Amra is about to race his 38ft yacht around the world in the second edition of the Golden Globe Race, leaving France on the 1st July. Why’s this important to lefties? He’s flying the Palestinian flag. I will be upfront here and say that I am one of “Labour’s...
My first best friend was a Jewish kid. He lived next door to me and, being a year older than me, was my absolute hero. I used to follow him around, and although I did not really understand it, I was aware of his Jewishness. Later, after we had...
Alongside many others across the UK Millie Cridland from Weymouth took the knee to symbolically call for justice for George Floyd, murdered by police officers in the US, and to make her mark for Black Lives Matter. Millie said 'I had to do it when I heard it was taking...
A black actor performing in a play about racial discrimination was questioned by police outside the theatre where he was about to perform. Oraine Johnson is currently appearing in Sorry! No Coloureds, No Irish, No Dogs from Gazebo Theatre. The play explores racism in the UK through significant figures...
Why should you report Hate Crime? By reporting hate crime when it happens to you, this may help prevent it happening to someone else. It also helps to understand the extent and impact of discrimination or prejudice. You can report it as a victim, a witness or on behalf of someone else. Hate crime...
This 26 year old man from Blackpool explains how he transformed himself from being a racist to standing up to racism. Well done! Now let us make this the fashion. Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/