Interview with Chika Udezue, the Black and Minority Ethnic leader from Dorset


In the time when it’s more important than ever to be united, to support one another, and to work together, with Mrs Chika Udezue, one of the leaders of the Black and Minority Ethnic in Dorset we are starting the World of Love campaign to bring people together regardless of their culture, language or the skin colour.We will be meeting inspiring people with diverse backgrounds and discussing our wellbeing, cultures, community, work ethic, family, happiness, love, traditions, relationships, sense of belonging to a new country that some of us live in etc. We will be meeting both adults and children.

Everyone can be an inspiration: a community leader and a child who speaks two or more languages, an art creator who brings joy and hope to others and a company who sees diversity as a business opportunity. Regular people together with experts in medicine, business and sports personalities, artists alongside other professionals and experts will share their passion, knowledge, and skills to help us understand the different aspects of the diversity of the world.Do you know someone that you feel I should interview next? I would love to hear about them.

Bea Sieradzka 

With Mrs Chika Udezue, a spokesperson, the Black and Minority Ethnic prominent leader and a member of the Nigerian Community in Dorset at the World of Love we talk about living in another country as a foreigner.

Is it easy to settle down in a place where everyone around speaks another language and sometimes, also looks differently? What to do about your foreign accent? Should we adapt or should we hold onto our primary culture? The answers to these and other questions you will find in this interview.

World of Love Festival


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