15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
For a long while I have questioned the nature of knowledge. As it is referred to in academic circles the study of knowledge is called 'epistemology' and serves to cover the breadth of human understanding at any given point. Thus in 1222 human understanding differed radically from human understanding...
A new study has found that radicalisation is now more likely to take place online rather than in person – but is also more likely to lead to a conviction for a non-violent extremist offence. Plots devised over the internet are also the most likely to be foiled. Researchers from...
Almost all schools and colleges in England are likely to face the prospect of having to make cuts because of rising costs and insufficient government funding, an ASCL survey has found. The survey of 630 headteachers and business leaders found that: Nearly all respondents (98%) said their school or college would have to...
Universities at Wolverhampton and Roehampton are 'suspending' performing arts courses for 2022/3.They claim it's through lack of demand by students. Critics blame the government's devaluing of arts programmes and the move to push students toward science, technology and engineering courses. I even detect criticism in the voice of The Stage editor,...
For parents/guardians and their children we hope this will help in any transition. Starting infant or primary school Starting a new school, or going to school for the first time is an exciting time time for children and their parents/carers, but it is a big change and can also be a...
Following the middle finger at legitimate demonstrators in a so called democracy and an explanation that suggested it is because she is human https://dorseteye.com/tory-minister-andrea-jenkyns-death-threats/ a teacher decided to take a closer look at the education minister's written statement and did not like what she found. No pursuit of excellence. Merely mediocrity...
Inspired by the Green Space Dark Skies event in Dorset, we’ve pulled together a programme of events to celebrate and explore the outstanding landscapes of Dorset at Dawn and Dusk … and sometimes the hours between! See Dorset in a new light as we head out to enjoy our outstanding...
School and Union leaders representing a million teachers and education specialists demand action on free school meals Teachers say worsening hunger crisis damaging children’s prospects. School and Union leaders representing more than a million teachers, support staff and others working with children have written to the chancellor Rishi Sunak and the...
In October last year we launched the Dorset Education Advice Line – an advice line for parents and carers who are worried their child might not be making the progress they should be, or who may believe their child might have emerging special educational needs. To date, we’ve spoken with approximately 60...
Dorset Council are advising all schools to close tomorrow. The amber weather warning has been escalated to a red warning for the South West, where national advice is for all persons to stay at home in affected areas. Dorset school transport for both Home to School and SEND will...