All of these South West MP's voted AGAINST an ammendment that would have prevented the dumping of raw sewage.
Steve Double – St Austell
George Eustice – Camborne and Redruth
Liam Fox – North Somerset
Marcus Fysh – Yeovil
James Heappey – Wells
Simon Jupp – East Devon
Chris Loder – West Dorset
Cherilyn Mackrory – Truro...
Something is going badly wrong in the countryside. For years, despite abundant video evidence, bloodsports enthusiasts have intimidated and attacked people who criticise and seek to monitor them, with apparent impunity.
There is film footage of a man beating the windows of a car with a dead fox, of a huntsman...
World leaders and experts will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26 (Conference of Parties). Global problems need global solutions. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who...
Britain should prioritise economic growth over environmental protections in trade deals, according to a leaked government document obtained by Sky News.
Environmental safeguards should also not be treated as a red line when other countries demand they are broken in trade agreements, according to the paper drawn up by officials...
Dorset residents join the national campaign which signals growing concerns over toxins and CO2 emissions from incineration. On Saturday, 25 September 2021, local residents and environmental campaigners across the UK took to the streets to call attention to the harms associated with the burning of plastic and other “black bag”...
On Wednesday 22nd local environmental groups addressed students and staff and Bournemouth University at a networking event entitled Build Back Better. The groups, which included Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Planet Purbeck, Transition Poole, The Association of Sustainability Practitioners, Global Justice Now, Dorset CAN (Climate Action Network), SUBU and...
Fossil fuel companies are suing governments across the world for more than $18bn (£13bn) after action against climate change has threatened their profits, according to research conducted by campaign group Global Justice Now and provided exclusively to Sky News.
Five energy companies, including British companies Rockhopper and Ascent, are using...
“We are calling the 9th October Day of Action for four reasons:
1) Over 100,000 families are living in Temporary Accommodation while over half a million homes have no permanent resident.
2) The wrong kind of housing is being built across the country - they are unaffordable to anyone on an...
Dr. Andrew Stevenson, surgeon - qualified 21 years. “The burning of fossil fuels used to be for the advancement of human society. It is now the mechanism of its destruction. If we don’t leave oil in the ground. Our children and those forever more will have no future. Stop...
Any hopes that pandemic lockdowns dented the build up of greenhouse gases have been dashed as a new report confirmed that global levels reached their highest on record in 2020.
The coronavirus outbreak grounded flights and cleared streets around the world last year, with emissions from burning fossil fuels dropping...