Dear Susan Dallison,

On behalf of Dorset Climate Action Network, please could I submit the following statement for the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 14th December 2021?Statement fromDorset Climate Action Network

Dorset CAN (Dorset Climate Action Network) is a network of community groups and individuals working together for a shared vision of a clean, green, sustainable Dorset – taking action together.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Ray Bryan and all those involved for the excellent letter which was sent on November 5th, 2021 during COP26 to key members of central government calling for further help in tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergency

·       We wholeheartedly support the intention to invest in a new environmentally sound infrastructure that will help prevent and address the worst consequences of man-made climate change.

·       We agree that there is a need for improvements to national standards, legislation and procedures so that local councils can be provided with new powers, responsibilities and funding to deliver an inclusive and green recovery. We feel that such new powers should include town and parish councils as well, as we all strive for zero emissions in Dorset as quickly as possible.

·       We were glad to see outlined the specific requests for:

1.    removing hurdles for renewable energy deployment

2.     increased enforceable standards for building insulation and energy efficiency and increased powers to refuse planning permission for developments that negatively impact on our environment

3.     more investment in sustainable public transport infrastructure and active travel

4.     stronger support for digital infrastructure and flexible working

·       We agree that with the appropriate support Dorset has the skills to build prosperity around a sustainable green-led economy

·       We recognise, alongside Dorset Council, that we need to engage with the public to encourage behavioural changes as we move towards net zero emissions and, as part of this we need to address the public perception that putting environmental and ecological benefits ahead of all else means an unacceptable level of sacrifice and compromise.

As well as thanking Dorset CouncilDorsetCAN, with all its levels of expertise and its passion would like to respond by saying:

·       we are ready at any stage to be part of the Dorset Climate Partnership Forum proposed by Dorset Council and to co-create a public engagement programme with you to promote and sustain the Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy.

·       As part of that Partnership Forum we are willing to co-create an educational outreach programme to support the steady growth of climate change awareness, community resilience and the capacity to adapt to the changes that will occur in Dorset.

Finally, DorsetCAN would like to wish Dorset Council a Happy Christmas with your friends and family and a Peaceful New Year and to say thank you once again for all that you are doing on behalf of the county that we all love to call our home. Please could you confirm receipt of this submitted statement?

My full name is Sandra Reeve and my address is Westhay, Charmouth, Dorset DT6 6SD

Stronger Together 

Sandra Reeve
Dorset CAN
Co-CoordinatorSandra 07734138942

Dorset CAN Website

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