16.4 C
Saturday, October 19, 2024
JOIN THE GREAT DORSET BEACH CLEAN 2023! We are very excited to share with you that there will be 17 beach cleans across the Dorset coastline for the Great Dorset Beach Clean, starting on the 15th April till the 23rd April. This year will be our 33rd annual event and we...
Cornwall Resists has written the following statement to set the record straight over refugee hotel protest organiser Mylo Gregory’s claims about who runs Cornwall Resists.  Now, we all know that Mylo Gregory is a liar and fraudster who doesn’t care about facts. After all he called a whole protest based on...
To be fair embarrassing John Redwood is not challenging as he is exposes himself rhetorically for fun. Here is he yet again on his pet subject looking a 1st class moron. And here he is lying through his teeth and being demolished for it https://dorseteye.com/john-redwood-blatantly-lies-on-channel-4-news-and-is-told-so/ Being arrogant and dogmatic Mr Redwood means that...
Yesterday, March 25th, 2023, anti-vax protesters ‘truthbetold’ marched from Parliament Square to the BBC News Broadcasting House in Central London for those whose lives have been destroyed by coerced experimental gene therapy, chanting "they lied, people died," "we want the truth, we want justice," and "they work for us,"...
"Why does anyone think that the man who described the Covid 19 virus as " the biggest threat to our nation in my lifetime " thought it was safe to hold a party with his fellow MPs while the rest of us were scared shitless of dying or causing...
We now know that the Ukraine war is being used entirely by the Tory government and the establishment as a blatant propaganda exercise that hides a flagrant desire to profit from misery, again. As in World War 2 when the corporations maintained their trading relationship with the Nazis, they...
Here are your options as the number of tickets issued by private companies in Britain reaches a record level. According to statistics released this month, the number of parking penalties issued by private businesses has reached an all-time high. According to figures analysed by the PA news agency from the Driver...

Alexa Hears It All

Any technology comes with privacy concerns. Alexa is an always-on device, so it's constantly listening for the wake word and will record anything that comes after it. However, just because Alexa is always listening doesn't mean it's always recording. This article explains what Alexa actually listens to and how you...
We know that climate science is complex however below it has been simplified to enable even the most idiot like creatures to understand it. Climate deniers and climate do little or next to nothingers are essentially murderers and should be hastily removed from planet Earth if we are to save...
My first instinct is 'fat chance'. However, this man has just said what many have been saying privately for decades. Go for it!!!! "You were asked a very straightforward question and trolled out a party line, which is nothing new!" Conservative MP Andrew Bowie gets called out by a #BBCQT audience...